Touch: Jennifer Murphy's classes challenged my fingers and allowed me to work with some lovely materials. Loved all the textures!
Hear: It was so great to meet Kaari Meng. We were having so much fun with the fact that our names have the same pronunciation, which is one that you don't hear very often. Every time someone would say her name trying to get her attention, I would turn around. Also hearing Jo Packham speak was wonderful and moving. She really is so authentic!
Taste: Lots of yummy food was consumed, mostly late at night after the last class was over with this lovely lady, or in our room in the form of coconut rum with my roomie Michelle.
Smell: Bellas smell good! The sweet sweet smell of creativity was in the air all weekend long.
The event was wonderful, as you can see. Loved meeting so many bloggers for the first time, giggling and catching up with old friends and generally filling up the well in every way possible.
Hop around blogland for other posts about the event beginning to pop up...here, here, here and here is a good start!
I'll see (many of you) in a few days in Omaha!
Have a great weekend!