These are the two pages I did in my art journal proclaiming my
style statement ~Creative Treasure~ and defining each word. The first word is my foundation (the 80% that is your first nature and your roots) and my creative edge (the 20% that
expresses your outer image and persona).
Hope and I continue to inspire one another as journal buddies. Now that we have both come up with our style statement, we are examining it a little bit deeper.

This is what
the book as to say...."
creative is a life-affirming explorer. Creatives will seek out originality-unique people and experiences, abstract thinking, and fantastical, whimsical notions...They feel most useful when they are inspired or inspiring others. They live to express themselves in their own way. Creative feels a deep sense of harmony and synchronicity with positive forces that keep life moving forward."
Treasure is defined as "to keep or regard as precious, value highly. Valuable or precious possessions of any kind." Abundance, appreciate, cherish, discovery, find, preserve, relish. Treasure trove. Hidden treasure. Treasure the moment.

I then went on to create two more pages about what it means to me and how my statement fits into my daily life.