This weekend I've been busy working on the technique I will be kicking off the Book of Dreams with this coming Wednesday. I can hardly wait. You all are going to have so much fun:)
I thought I'd share the cover and endpapers of my book that I'm altering. As you can see, I haven't altered them at all yet, just added a quote. The illustrations in this book are phenomenal and I'm using them quite a bit as a springboard for my work. My theme is a combination of childhood dreams and dreams I have for my own children. If anyone has any great quotes or poems, I'd love to hear them!
I also wanted to mention that we're getting more and more participants from all over the world. I'm very excited about that. As far as international players we have two amazing artists from Norway, Chantal in Ireland and just tonight Paula from Brazil signed on!! If you want to participate and don't see your name on the list on the sidebar, let me know. Thanks!
Great book. Still searching for mine- can't wait to get going.
What a beautiful book :) You're going to really enjoy working with it, methinks :)
I've been prepping my book too and can't wait to get really started. Lovely to hear that this project is attracting more international players too :-) I forgot to mention the other day... I'm a French arsty soul living in Ireland.
Hi there... I didn't know you were running this challenge until I stumbled here just now but its wonderfully well timed for me...
On Saturday I started just such a book though I've never done one before. I guess mine is a Book of Daydreams... making them more visible to myself...
I've got themes that I want to work with each week already worked out for the next 12 weeks but beyond this first week no clear idea of what techniques I'll be using.
Anyway count me in please and I'll be back!
I haven't blogged about it yet but I was planning to soon...
I am Barbara from England and I will be joining. This is fantastic and thanks
heck yeah!!! Need to find a book to play with today!
Left a comment on a previous post of yours. Please count me in for the Book of Dreams. I have always wanted to make an altered book and the theme is very exciting. My mind is racing with ideas.
Hi and thank you so much for your comment on my blog :) I really want to participate in this Book of Dreams :) I'll be searching for mine this weekend at a flea market. And oh! No I'm not in the USA I'm in France 45 minutes away from Paris. Count me on this, by the way your book is TOO gorgeous :);-)
This is such a great idea! I am not a scrapbooker but would like to become one. My sis in law has done two rounds of Rhonna's challenge and I wanted to join in on the next one - but being a first time mom to a 7 week old and not being a scrapbooker, a page a day is WAY too much for me. Maybe I can combine your book and Rhonna's challenge. Thanks! I'm lookin forward to your advice on techniques - I can use all the advice I can get!
I sent an email requesting to be added to the project list. :) I found the same red photo album you mentioned at border's and then changed my mind and decided to go with an old hardback book. Sounds fun!
I've been rripping and gluuing. I've removed 3 out of every 4 pages, and STILL there are 100 pages (50 once they're all glued). Lisa's V's tutorial was very helpful, thanks :)
Love the book you chose!! The link on how to prepare a book was very helpful!
I am still on vacation (in Seattle....from England) and I head back to my UK home on Sunday, so may be starting in a little late.....but I'll catch up!!
Please add me to the list. I think this is such a cool idea.
Lovely book! You are getting me excited! I'm rethinking my book (not my theme...of Free Dreams/Dreams are Free)...This is going to be fun! Can't wait to see everyones...trying to come up with a day to show my book on my blog...wouldn't it be neat if we could all have the same day? Like Tuesday Dreams...or something?
Just stopped by to see what you were up to (after the the 1st-21 day challenge)And it looks awesome here, i will have to look over the tutorial!
I would love to do this! Sounds like a great, no pressure way to break into art journaling/altered books! Thank you for dreaming this up, putting in the time and sharing your thoughts, ideas and talents!
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