Anybody looking for a good read... a good book to work with? I came across this book last night at work. It was just published last month by Sera Beak. "A deliciously unorthodox approach to igniting your divine spark". Love that! It turns out the author, at 30, has had some amazing life experiences and is really inspiring. She has a fab web site and says her blog will be up in a couple of weeks. The Red Book idea started when she was 26 and kept a journal for her personal creative "prayers". She used phrases and collage to express her divine spark. This book is full of wit and humor and I think I'm gonna dive right in. I'm going to turn this book into my "red book" and work through it.
The first step is to state your intention, so here's mine.

Thanks for bringing this book to my attention. I work a lot with intention and was playing with the idea of starting an intention/manifesting art journal. Now I'm set on the idea and that book looks like fun and sassy inspiration. I've just ordered it and can't wait for it to reach me ;-)
Way cool!
Looks like quite the original and inspiring book.
Intention is SO powerful. I totally know how to make it work for me, and yet it's amazing how often I forget to use it. We humans are so silly :)
This looks interesting. I would love to look through it.
I love the first step and the piece you created
I like the piece you created! and it looks like you used some ticket stubs :)The Red Book looks very inspiring (Your library must be bigger than mine!)
Laura Z
oo, looks like a great book! i love the intention you set and i love the idea of "creative abandon."
I love your intention. It just says it all.
We should all do this no matter what our age.
just heading to the book store (but sneeking a peek into blog world first) and if that's not karma - a fab book recommendation! i needed something for the plane ride, we are head out on a family vaca! thanks, again!
I am in love with your intent statement! Wow! I will definitely be looking into this book.
Oh this looks good! thanks for the recommend!
wow - that is sooooo inspiring. thanks for sharing this!...
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