I picked up a copy of a new local magazine Called METRO today at the drug store. I've been feeling a little less-than-hip lately about not getting into all the fun local stuff that's going on. The Twin Cities is so vibrant. There's a lot of great theater, art, museums and clubs that I've been missing out on out here in the burbs with two young kids. I think hubby and I will have to make a point of having a sitter (grandma and grandpa) and getting out on the town a little more:) I was most facinated by the "Haunted Haute" article about all the wonderful things that local costume shops carry to make your Halloween costume a true fashion statement. Loved their ideas!

Finally, check this out on Teresa's blog. Now that's an altered book!!
Cool stuff! Is that how you're planning to dress for Halloween? :)
So jealous of your lovely kit...I got a lot of those papers while in the states, but all those other goodies look lovely!
Can't wait to see what you do with them.
On the plane to MN I was reading an article on what a thriving theatre scene MSP has and a couple great new museums...get out on the town girl!!
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