Thursday, December 21, 2006


I'm still working on my Christmas journal pages for the last couple days. I just wanted to share a really special time I had with some great friends last night. I have a group of friends that we all have sons the same age and they are on the Autism spectrum. We gather once a month and are a "support group" of sorts and also just really great friends. I love the conversations we have sharing our joys and our struggles. I feel like I can always turn to these women to find hope. We really help each other get through some tough times. So I made each of them a HOPE sign for their home. I put a little vintage bird on top of each and included the following poem:

Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul,

And sings the tune--without the words,

And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;

And sore must be the storm

That could abash the little bird

That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land,

And on the strangest sea;

Yet, never, in extremity,

It asked a crumb of me.

Emily Dickinson

They seemed thrilled with them and it was so much fun to give such a personal gift. I just wanted to share this wonderful Christmas memory with you because it means so much to me:)


Anonymous said...

While it's true, friendship is the greatest gift, who wouldn't be thrilled to pieces to receive such a gorgeous present! I love the poem...I'm going to copy it into my journal.

Holiday Hugs!

Lilli in Vancouver said...

What a beautiful word. Your friends must've been so deeply appreciative :)

Lilli in Vancouver said...

What a beautiful word. Your friends must've been so deeply appreciative :)

Anonymous said...

Whata wonderful thoughtful gift. I'm sure they will treasure it.

Anonymous said...

ohhh Kari!! They are so so beautiful!! Loving the bird....what a darling touch! And such wonderful words!!

How lucky you all are to have each other!

Such lovley lovely gifts!!

You are so fabulous!

xoxo Jenny

Anonymous said...

ps...Awesome vignette you have!! Perfect!!!

xoxo Jenny

Anonymous said...

I love the poem it is so true for so many things in life. I'm sure your friend loved them.

Deb said...

Beautiful gift and poem!

Jeanne said...

What a lovely meaningful gift for your friends.

Heidi said...

That is really beautiful. Hope you and your family have a great Christmas! I wish we had snow here!

Anonymous said...

Who wouldn't be thrilled. those signs are gorgeous and what a fantastic support system to have! smiles....

Anonymous said...

What an amazing gift. And it'll also serve as a reminder that they have a friend who cares so very much for them and their families! Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

Anonymous said...

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