Tuesday, March 13, 2007

An abundance of spring at my doorstep...

What a wonderful response to my tea party invitation!! I cannot wait to see you all here on the 21st for some fabulous festivities! I'm excited to see what surprises you will have on your blogs for your visiting friends. What a way to usher in the first day of spring!! See post below (March 12th) for more details... I've continued to be absolutely giddy by the **amazing** artwork that is showing up in my mailbox. The gorgeous birdy above is by Dawn. Love the color combination!!

This party hat is by the wonderfully whimsy Melfie.
This vintage-inspired Welcome Spring banner now hangs in my front window. It was created by Michelle. Gorgeous!
This truly amazing frayed rose sits perfectly a top a vintage saucer. Miz Smoochie Lips created it and has a tutorial on her blog here. Amazing!

Wonderful Bonnie in South Africa sent this beautiful handmade bag and the little chicks below. Love the hot pink handle!
You really can't get much cuter than this little guy by Jenny (Ms Polka Dot Pixie). He is so cheery, I can't help but smile every time I look at him!
Daisy made this whimsy little man peeking out from behind his mushroom. So cute!! Thank you all very, very much for the amazing swaps! I am humbled and honored to own a piece of your art. Thanks for bringing spring into my home:)


l'artiste said...

super coooolll
un petit coucou du viaduc de millau
la seconde âme

Lilli in Vancouver said...

You sure have some Artsy friends!

Have a Springy day :)

Abby said...

Hi! I just discovered your super cute blog and was wondering what you have found the best way is to find out about upcoming estate sales. Do you just depend on the newspaper?

Anonymous said...

So many wonderful things! I love that hot pink handle too!

Anonymous said...

You get the best things in the mail! So wonderful. I love seeing it all.
Allie from Minneapolis

longnecklady said...

I am coming to the tea party definitely! I am so amazed at all the different takes on spring people have. It still boggles my mind how you can throw a concept out and you never seem to get duplicates. People amaze me!


Bonnie said...

Gorgeous Kari! I am so glad my wee little bag got to you safely!

xxxxx said...

Your home is looking, more and more every day, like an ode to Spring. Beautiful!

Boxwood Cottage said...

Oh so many treasures again! You are so lucky Kari! I'm especially impressed by Michelles gorgeous spring banner, hm so beautiful! Oh and btw I'll sure come to your tea party, thanks a lot for the invitation!:D Oh my hope I wont forget it. It's such a lovely idea! I'll try to send you some spring weather over from Germany! xox

Michelle Legler said...

Hello Miss Artsymama!! Just wanted to let you know your little Spring present is on it's way today! If you want a peek, go check out my blog. If you want it to be a surprise, don't look for a few days. :-)
I hope you like it!

suzi finer said...

It's so wonderful how people have an endless capacity for creativity! How lucky you are to have some fresh pieces to keep for yourself!

Jodi Ohl said...

Wow!! You have been receiving some awesome goodie mail!! How did you get sooooo lucky????!!!

Have a great time at ArtFest, I'm excited for you. A t-shirt with your blog name would be too cute!

Anonymous said...

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