This box of treasures arrived right in the middle of Chloe's birthday bash. When I saw that it was from my
Vintage Kitchen Swap partner
Lauren Mumford, I could hardly wait until the party was over to open it. Lauren is the absolute ultimate in swap partners, let me tell you. She went
way above and beyond! As you can see, everything was wrapped beautifully with shabby chic tissue and vintage crepe paper...sheets and sheets of it. I will be making rosettes with this stuff until the end of time.
Ok, now to show you the goods. Everything was
perfectly color coordinated as well. Lauren is an absolute genius at putting things together and pays attention to every little detail. This vintage tablecloth is hand painted. It's the most gorgeous shades of grey, yellow creme, turquois, gold and off white. Yummy! In the beautiful tin was a little bag of lavender with millinery flowers attached so the entire package smelled divine as I opened it. Also in the tin was the tiny little chair with a vintage RSVP postcard. I
adore this!!! See an up-close pic of this later in the post. There was also a lovely vintage paper tablecloth and plates in a cute turquois print. Finally, a teacup and a vintage tray in the most scrumptious shade of buttery yellow and silver.

Ok, ready for this?? Lauren enclose an original piece of her artwork. Just
look at this!!!! I literally was teary eyed when I was opening it to think that I now own a Lauren Mumford original. It went straight to the wall next to our dining room table. I will cherish it forever.
Thank you!!!

Ok, there's more... This cutie pie vintage party book and these little glass canisters that Lauren altered and filled with sprinkles and candies. Isn't she just amazing?! Oh, and she also enclosed a stack of fun vintage ephemera that I didn't get to photograph because I started using it in my art immediately!

Here's a close up of that little chair that I can't stop staring at. A huge thank you to
Jenny for hosting such a fun swap and to
Lauren for the loveliest of lovely treasures. I really felt like it was
my birthday yesterday:) If you would like to see what I gave Lauren, she posted about it
Oh My Merciful Heaven! That should keep you in smiles for the next few ....years! What a gracious parcel, which bespeaks the maker's heart :)
Awww...I'm so happy that you are happy. I knew that I had to make you a piece of art--kitchen swap theme or not--you have always been such a supporter of my work. thank you for that and thank you for all my luscious treasures too!
Wow, how delightful! All those treasures are so pretty. :)
you are such a lucky swappin' girl! can I be you when I grow up? HeHe
Wow, what a wonderful swap parcel. Lauren rocks!!
OMGosh! Look at all those pretties!
Absolutely gorgeous.
I've loaded pics of my bakset swap on my blog and on my flikr - not sure how to get them to the flikr group for the swap? Did you know the person you assigned me to lives right down the road from me? I'm so excited - I can hand deliver it instead of mailing it.
I've been reading your blog for a couple of months and am always totally wowed by the pictures you post- all these amazing things! What a fantastic box and gorgeous chair! Can you really find these things or do you have to make them? And how do you enter a swap group? ( i'm in the UK)
Oh my goodness... you are one lucky girl. I would have been beside myself with excitement. The piece she made you is absolutely gorgeous and so special. I loved seeing all the party pics of your two little ones. They are both so adorable!
Thank you Kari! I got my pictures loaded on the flikr group ~ appreciate your guidance and kind words. I had a blast putting it together and am looking forward to delivering it.
Have a great week.
Oh my, oh my!!! Everything is delicious! This swap was really too much fun and we were all paired so well, I think! I love seeing your package--and that original art is dreamy!!! xo-Mel
Just found your blog, may have been here one time, not sure. It's beautiful.
Such beautiful items!
Absolutely gorgeous! It's all so beautiful - wow!
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