Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Some art therapy..

Having a hard time getting my mind off the innocent lives lost at Virginia Tech this week, so I did a little art therapy. I worked in Lilia's book, which I promise to get home to her very soon!
I received this lovely little spring packet from Melissa to kick off a new round robin I'm participating in. It's beginning in May with Lilia, Cassondra, Julie and I all be sending around books to one another. Julie is the lovely host. I'm very excited.Should be tons of fun!


Lori said...

I just bought some of that paper with the tiny rosebuds and the shabby edges!! I love it!! I used it on a project that I will soon offer as a give away. Still loving your altered postcards, mine are still in tin. Unused. Sigh.

suzi finer said...

Very tweet!

Emine_Pala_Art_22 said...

These are so beautiful...
Art is therapy for me too ;) Need it very hard

Tricia said...

very beautiful kari! the image of the bird's nest has been drooling!
and you have a way with color---she will love the pages. awesome job!

Matroskin said...

Very pretty. There's a wonderful fairy tale quality to your work.

Unknown said...

Those pages are so great! Birds and nest are right up my ally! :)

jessica said...

art is a good therapy. it is a terrible tragedy.

Natasha Burns said...

Hi Kari,
I've just nominated you for the Thinking Blogger award! Love visiting your blog all the time.... please pass it on and sorry to nominate you after you have been nominated already but I love your blog!

Jamie said...

Kari your art is very beautiful. I love the Morris egg print (is that vintage or a reprint?) and the bird you used. I have really been enjoying your blog so much and going back to read your archives. You give me great inspiraton girl! Love, Jamie

Michelle Legler said...

I too, have had a hard time keeping my mind off the Virginia Tech losses. To top it off, the high school that my daughters attend, have been getting bomb threats all week! They even lit a tree on fire! The school is swarming with police and FBI, which makes me feel a little better, but when they leave for school (like they just did) I get a very nervous feeling in my stomach. Into the studio I must go to help ease this tension.

Anonymous said...

Ohh Kari I cant wait to get my book!! Wow, so glad I get your ARt work in another book, I wrote about the same thing on my Blog, can you believe how much it affects so many people! I pray for them-hugs Lilia

Anonymous said...

Love your creations - as always! You are such a talented, creative, and inspiring person!


Kara said...

Oh these are all so gorgeous, great job very shabby chic.