The Coming of May
May opened up her basket,
And I looked in to see
A sky of blue,
The great sun too,
Both smiling out at me.
May opened up her basket,
And out the flowers fell.
Their fragrance spilled
Until it filled
All nature with its spell.
May opened up her basket,
Her choristers were there!
Their welcoming
To joy and spring
Was wafted on the air.
She opened up her basket-
The world was blithely gay.
Earth knew again
The ample regin
And blessing of the May!
May opened up her basket,
And I looked in to see
A sky of blue,
The great sun too,
Both smiling out at me.
May opened up her basket,
And out the flowers fell.
Their fragrance spilled
Until it filled
All nature with its spell.
May opened up her basket,
Her choristers were there!
Their welcoming
To joy and spring
Was wafted on the air.
She opened up her basket-
The world was blithely gay.
Earth knew again
The ample regin
And blessing of the May!
May Day has arrived!!! I hope your weather report looks as good as ours here in Minnesota...sunny and upper 60's! Well, the May Day swap is complete. What a labor of love!! Hope you'll all received your packages. I cannot wait to see them all! When you post the basket you received on your blog, be sure and leave a comment here. I will try to add links to this post throughout the day so that we can all visit our blogging "neighbors" and see the wonderful creations everyone has made!

Also recieved a lovely package of May Day goodies from Amy Bauer. She really did her homework! She sent me the adorable altered match box in the picture above. Inside was an accordian style little book about the history of May Day and the tiny little May Day basket sitting on the chair. She also enclosed a beautiful paper dove basket filled with a vintage hanky and sprig of lavender. Also these lovely cut outs of 50's style Hallmark May Baskets (below) along with a copy of a book also printed in the 50's on celebrating May Day with children. What fun, fun stuff, Amy...thank you!

Andrea S.
Sandy M.
If you really want some eye candy, check out the whole flickr pool of May Day swap photos. I hope you all have a fabulous May Day and maybe even a little surprise at your doorstep! Please post those basket pictures from the swap so that we can all come visit and enjoy the day together!!
If you really want some eye candy, check out the whole flickr pool of May Day swap photos. I hope you all have a fabulous May Day and maybe even a little surprise at your doorstep! Please post those basket pictures from the swap so that we can all come visit and enjoy the day together!!
Beautiful May Day Baskets and other goodies! What a way to start off a month ~ the first of every month should be started off with such fabulous creations and ART!
So glad I could participate in this swap and thanks again for arranging it.
Happy May Day Kari! I just posted pictures of our fun baskets on my blog. I hope you have beautiful day!
xo andrea
How gorgeous those may baskets are. We are in Autumn (Fall) here in Australia!
happy May Day Kari,
thanks again for hosting such a beautiful swap. I posted the May Day basket you sent me, on my blog.
Happy May Day! thank-you for being such a great hostess! I have posted the basket I received from Jamie on my blog!
Very fun, very fun!
Amy B was my partner and what a grrreat one she was. I've blogged my goodies from her today.
Happy May Day to all!!!!!
Man, you got some lovely stuff there, Ms. ArtsyMama! This swap was so much fun, thanks for hosting it!
thanks a ton for hosting this wonderful swap! love the stuff you received! i've posted mine on my blog!
sorry it is linking to the wrong blog. here is the correct one.
Happy May Day!
My Pictures are posted! And from the sounds of it a wonderful time has been had by all!
Thanks Kari!!!
You are a great hostess!!!!
Happy May Day Kari- Thank you for hosting the "funest" ever swap!
My basket from the amazing Cerri is posted on my site. Everything I received is really incredible. I loved it all. She really does pay attention to all the details.
Many thanks for organizing this basket swap...I got my basket and opened it this morning (finally! Couldn't wait another minute!!) I LOVE it and thank my partner Marilyn so much. I posted pics on my blog :)
It looks like you got some wonderful goodies yourself...enjoy your May Day :)
What a lucky girl you are Kari! Oh What lucky girls we all are!!! Oh Merci!!
Happy May Day Kari!
With Kindness, Mary
Oh how beautiful and full of inspiration your blog (and so many others) are today!!!
I think we all were very lucky with our trades! I have seen so many gorgeous baskets that I am drooling over. Of course, I am very partial to the one I got from Karin. It is pictured on my blog, and is so sweet and springy!
what beautiful baskets and gifts! just beautiful!
and... stop by my blog! you won a prize!
Kari, Happy May Day!! You sure got a lot of goodies. If you run out of room to put them in, send some my way!! LOL.
So happy with everything I've seen...best month beginning EVER!
I've posted a pic of the basket Kari made for me, plus the basket Stevie made for Holly Dye (who is currently blogless)...
Thanks for everything!
Wow, what a lovely display of May-ness. What a thrill to ahve such a large box arrive at the house! Even more fun opening it..Who had more fun? You or the kids?
Thank you for hosting this swap! My photos are up on my blog and in the Flickr group! Happy May First!
Wow everything is just beautiful. You all are a bunch of talented gals.When is the next swap?
Happy May Day to You, and thank you so much for hosting this wonderful event!
I posted pics of the lovely basket I received from Heather.
Kari, your baskets you sent were all amazing, and the one you received was as well!!
This was a wonderful swap, thank you so much for thinking of it!
My photos and on my blog now too.
I loved everything that I received as well!
Happy May day!!
~Cerri xoxo
Yeah for May! Thanks again for hosting & sharing. I'm blogless as of yet, but this swap experience and the bounty of lovely blogs it exposed me to makes me want to jump in! I posted pics of the Oh-So-Swell basket I received from Miz Smoochie Lips on the Flickr group. -AMY BAUER
Hi Kari!
This was such a fun swap. Thanks for hosting it!
Happy May day!!!
Kari....Thank you so much for hosting the swap. You are definitely the Hostest with the Mostest. I love my beautiful handpainted bucket from Karla! Everyone did an outstanding job!
oh...I also have my basket from Karla posted!!
Oh, I forgot to ask! Do you know the author of the lovely May Poem you posted?
Everything is so beautiful and inspiring! I can't stop looking at the flicker photos!!
I had so much fun with this swap!! Thanks so much for hosting it Kari! This is a great way to start off a month!!!
Happy May Day!
Thanks for hosting, Kari! So much fun. I posted pictures on my blog.
Cheers, Jess
Oh... I was so supprised to see that little bird with the flowers in it... I JUST got the same exact one the other day... Loooky here
What a lovely swap this was...although it wasn`t possible for me to take part this time...I followed it the whole time...congrats Kari...another winner....what a dear and beautiful heart you have
What a success, Thanks again for hosting. My swap partner is off to Hawaii so I put pictures of what I sent and the one she sent me on my blog http://bugonthegreen.blogspot.com/
Hi Kari
Thank you for posting all the eye candy. Now I wish I had joined this swap! I'm going over to the flickr link right now to take a look.
I know it is May 2 now but my basket from Natalie just arrived. It's really lovely so I hope people will still trot on over to my blog to check it out!
Thanks again Kari! This was lot so fun.
Carol in Mass.
Thank you for hosting this wonderful swap Kari. Your hard work is much appreciated and the baskets were beautiful.
Wow! How do you ever top that? Those are some of the most beautiful treasure I've ever seen.
I enjoyed looking at your beautiful treasures and lovely blog.
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