Speaking of books, as many of your know, I'm a librarian. The funny thing is, I don't read fiction. I've pretty much always read non-fiction. I love memoirs, especially travel memoirs (loved the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert), books on spirituality (esp. Buddhism), the creative process and of course mixed media/altered art craft books. So here is my summer reading list with a bunch of fun art books coming out soon:
In This House: A Collection of Altered Art Imagery and Collage Techniques by Angela Cartwright and Sarah Fishburn.

Here's a few more that look interesting: 1000 Artists Trading Cards by Patricia Bolton.
Found Art Mosaics by Suzan Germond.
Mixed Media Mosaics by Laurie Mika.
Of course I'm chompin' at the bit for Miz Teresa McFayden's book Foof-a-Life published by Autumn Leaves. It looks absolutely fabulous. Just look at the cover! It should be coming out literally any day!!!

Andrea just mentioned on her blog that Kaari Meng of French General has a new book coming out this fall. Check it out on the web site. Ooh la la!! Her first book The French Inspired Home is one of my faves.
Right now I'm reading Barbara Kingsolver's new book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. It's all about her family's "experiment" to grow their own food for a year. I love it!
What's on your summer reading list? I'd love to hear!
I think that #1 on my list are the Great Blogs (like yours) I have found in the last month or so. I am so inspired by them. I love the books you have posted, and I am really looking forward to wrecking a journal!
We have very similiar reading tastes. Sometimes I do like a quick novel or a book of short stories if I am going on a trip (a plane or train ride)
Do you borrow books from the library? I rarely do. I don't know why. We go to our library to play, they have a great kids room, but I never bring books home.
Congratulations on your Etsy store success!
Kari, I have been an avid reader most of my life. I used to read novels all of the time, and honestly do not think I have read a novel in well over a year. I still read all of the time, but now it is art and decorating magazines and books!
Your summer reading list looks devine!
Where will you buy Theresa's book? Will Amazon carry it?
~Cerri xoxo
You know who Angela Cartwight is right?
I met her last year at The Art Bar, and she is a wonderful photographer, and no less than the child actress who played Penny Robinson on Lost in Space. Who of us didn't love that show. Just thought you'd like to know!
yes!! i have several of those books on my wish list at amazon.
thanks for your kind comments on my shop, i actually re~vamped the wonky pics today so it looks much better.
any more vintage goodies going on an artsymama etsy near me anytime soon??
i missed out AGAIN!! aaaarrrgh, you sell out too fast:)
I promised myself I wasn't going to buy any more books for awhile...then I see on on your blog that really catches my eye....I LOVE RUSTY THINGS!
These all look like great reads! By the way, I too loved Eat Pray Love. Funny that you chose to post about new books because my latest post was also about upcoming art books. Sounds like much eye-candy awaits us all!
Hi Kari,
Thank you for all the great titles! I love Barbara Kingsolver and did not know she had a new one, also have had Eat, Pray, Laugh on my list for a while and need to go get it.
I ordered Michael DeMengs book at Artfest and am anxiously awaiting the arrival.
Thanks for your book picks... I'm going to have to check some of them out.
All of these great books !
You've got me going (chomping at the bit too)
Thank you for all of the LINKS !
Yes, those all look great! WAITING patiently for that yummy Foof book!
My list of books to get just got longer, I wish my pocket book would get fatter, ha ha They look like something good to curl up with and get inspired.
I agree with Melba...I love going to the library, but rarely borrow books (mostly videos and magazines). If I like a book enough to read it once, most likely I am going to want to read it again and again, so I just buy it. Plus with the new baby, I find it takes me too long to read a book...I would have paid a fortun in late fees if I didn't just buy them :)
wow, these all look so fabulous!I can't wait to go check them out! But i just ordered three others from Amazon, so may have to wait a bit or my husband will kill me for adding to my own personal library! P.s. I'm really enjoying your blog!
Hi Kari,
Thanks for the great book ideas! I'm currently reading Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris and The Loved Dog by Tamar Gellar. Of course this is on top of all the great magazines and blogs!
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