Look at this!!! Just take a good close look. The craftmanship, the colors, the style...WOW is all I can say. The lovely and talented
Lilli made this ArtsyMama bag for me. I couldn't love it more! She is selling them in her
etsy shop and does custom orders. Run over and get yourself one.
Thanks a million, Lilli!
I continue to be a crafting machine. I couldn't be having any more fun. Loving every second of it. I have gathered bits and pieces of this and that from estate sales for so long and now everything is coming together. My creativity lets loose like a flood gate after the kids go to bed and I've been altering everything in sight. I will have these embellished jars at my
Junk Bonanza booth.

Also this Dream piece. Notice all the flowers from my
new stash!

Made some more ribbons. These all have cute little birdies on them. I really like how they turned out!

Hope you're having a great weekend!
Hi Kari!! Love that bag-so gorgeous, and your ribbons with the birdies on are so sweet! I know what you mean about when the kid's go to bed..that is when I get most of my crafting done too and my energy levels soar(with the help of a little coffee-lol) sometimes I am up till 2am! The stuff you are making is really gorgeous lately. and Thank you for sending me the scanned mag pages-they were really great!
Congratulations!!! glad to hear you are doing the junkmarket show! what fun...looks like you have a good start on your inventory! I know some dealers that are taking two and three booths...now that is a lot of inventory! good luck, I hope all goes well at the show!
Thank you so much for featuring 'our' bag, Sweetie! I love seeing how it looks through your lens, knowing that it traveled all those miles in the post, after having passed through several hands, to arrive at your front door. I'm so glad you like it, and it's very generous of you to show it off :)
I wish I could be at Junk Bonanza to see all your lovely creations grouped together, before they sell like hotcakes! You have such a way with flowers and birds and beads :)
love the bag from lilli, beautiful!!! and your dream piece is wonderful, i wish i had even a fraction of your vintage millinery stash...lucky!!!
Oh I love it all! The ribbons are delightful... What fun!
I love the embellished jars & the dream piece! You are ever so creative...
Oh baby!! You are racing around that track....a regular Lightening McQueen!! I'm really loving the hangers and this round of ribbons is even better. Love the birds. Yes, you're getting good at that. Let me also say, the moment I saw the bag, from across the room because I had clicked on your blog then ran into the kitchen and ran back to see the bag when I walked in the door. I KNEW you had your bag from Lilli! It's completely fabulous. Lilli is obviously a master seamstress with an incredible sense of color. Love her work. I'm getting me one of those bags!
I'm proud of how productive you've been. Can't wait to see you take that junk market by storm!!
I love the bottle with the angel! Very pretty and appropriately ethereal!
The bag from Lilli is great!! Kari, your creations for Junk Bonanza are something else. What's really to die for is your stash! Oh my goodness, it's great. It's really neat to see how your imagination takes off :D
Hi Kari...your creations are SO marvelous! Just stunning! I am so in love with milliery flowers right now!
The "artsymama" bag Lilli made for you, just you, is absolutely brilliant. I have a bag of hers and I can testify, the craftmanship is 100% impeccable! The girl's got mad skillz! :-) I ordered myself a customized "hold dear" bag!!! SO excited for that!!
Take care,
Oh what a pretty new bag! I've had my eye on her bags for awhile now. So different and so very lovely, especially that "scallop" bit on the bottom. And I love your new pretties...you've been a busy one! Gosh I wish I could pop by Junk Bonanza and snag a few of your treasures for myself. Maybe you will put some in your etsy shoppe after it's all over?? :) Hugs to you! cheryl
You have been a crafting Diva and it is looking great, I so wish i could stop by your booth that weekend, but I am doing the Fall inot the Arts show in Edina. So bummed although one of my friendss is supposed to be going so I told her to go check out your booth. Much luck to you although i don't think you are going to need it, your creations are fabulous!
Must be something in the air-I'm creating like crazy too & mainly using my stockpiles. It's so satisfying to actual use the stuff I've been gathering! Your creations are so very beautiful as usual!
Love your groovy new bag :)
Oh, it's all so pretty. Love the bag from Lilli, and the ribbons are precious!
You must take loads of pics of your booth for us! It is going to be a visual candy shoppe! I'm diggin' those bottles...I really do not know how you manage to do all that you do!
What a gorgeous present, beautiful and I just love your altered jars.
All of your creations are so beautiful. I'm always blown away by your talent and creativity. Also, the bag is simply perfect. The colors, the combination of fabris, the design. It's so cute - so special that a friend wanted to make something just for you. Those are the best gifts.
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