Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Life is art...

I have been quite busy lately making bunches and bunches of collages and dresses and lots of other goodies for my Junk Bonanza booth. It's just 3 weeks away! Many of you have asked about the adorable vintage looking wire hangers that I'm using for them. They can be found here at Character Constructions. Catherine has so much fabulous stuff. Definitely worth a peruse.
Last night at the library I found the book The Accidental Masterpiece : On the Art of Life and Vice Versa by Michael Kimmelman. I love discovering new books that seem to be just perfect for where my life is right now. This book seems to fit the bill. I read the first page and just started devouring it. I already have a slew of quotes that have me ruminating....
To live intensely is one of the basic human desires and an artistic necessity.

A life lived with art in mind might itself be a kind of art.

Art provides us with clues about how to live our lives more fully.

Creating, collecting and even just appreciating art can make living a daily masterpiece.


xxxxx said...

Fabulous photo of your creations Kari! You've been busy. Thanks for the heads up on this book. From the quotes you featured, I can tell it is my kind of book :-)

paige said...

always an inspiration!!
can't wait to see your junk market goodies!

Blooming Soul Arts said...

I just have to say you always have the best book recommendations! Off to reserve that one at my local library! And your goodies as always are so sweet! I just saw your article in the Artful Blogger (in person)..fabulous!

Tammy Gilley said...

oh boy, things are looking good, kari! what fun!!

eb said...

read the Kimmelman book a while back - it is so wonderful and funny too...
I think its on my sidebar - you might also enjoy the Nina Wise book...

HI Artsymama!!!!!!!

xox - eb

Ginny Gibson said...

Hi Kari, I agree with all the art sayings that you have quoted ...... where would we be without art.

Love your post.

best wishes Ginny

Miss*Laurence said...

Great work as usual!( my goodness you sure work fast!) I have to thank you again for a fabulous party, I think I visited everybody and got lots of inspiration, so thank you so much! In fact you just gave me another idea...

Anonymous said...

The quotes sound right up my alley! I'm going to have to check it out.

Flea Market Queen said...

I love your creations...
I always look forward to seeing more!

Charmingdesigns said...

Hi, I just now found you. Your blog is great. Love the quotes...and all the goodies you found on your treasure hunt! I'll be back to check out your blog! Laurie

Recycled Rita said...

Hi Kari!

I love all the papers you have used the colors are wonderful! Than you for your blogging party, I do not have a blog yet but I had so much fun going from your site to all the others! You are great!
karen b...

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Beautifully inspirational!

Have an ArtFULL and creative day!

Sandy :)

Anonymous said...

hi kari. ooh your stuff rocks!
Im talkin to the girls. tryin to get up there. we'll see. were signed up for classes all 3 days!
ill try.
jessi nagy


Bonita Rose said...

sounds like such a great book!

Arlene Mobley said...

Dear ArtsyMama

Please add a email subscriber to your blog. Here is one I use http://www.feedblitz.com/ I love your blog and want to know immediatly when you update it!

Oh and I love your little dresses. I made a cute banner for my granddaughter with the template and spelled out her name, a letter on each dress.


Christi said...

Fantastic quotes! Look at all your fun goodies all lined up!! I wish that I could come... smiles!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Junk Bonanza and meeting you. Your creations are so beautiful!


Lina said...

*lovin the dress, it's hanging in my studio* woo hoo

muebles en ourense said...

Oh my god, there's so much effective information above!