This time of year, that's exactly how I feel. A bit of the
sweet is still left from the pastels and yummy eye candy of the spring and summer palette. However my
sinister, yet playful side creeps in as thoughts of fall and Halloween begin to trickle in.

Then I received this gorgeous, huge
ArtsyMama Originals sign to grace my vendor booth at Junk Bonanza made by the amazingly talented
Cari Kraft. My whole world turned black and white. I have this adorning my studio space and I can't stop staring at it. The black with the aged shades of cream is just brilliant.

Last year, after getting a funny little black t-shirt at Target that has glitter writing that says Sweet and Sinister my mind starting churning with ideas for a Halloween party in all black and white. Serving up treats in huge apothecary jars, have an old fashioned candy shop atmosphere with a sinister slant. The idea never truly left my head. So then it was decided this year would be the year of a sweet and sinister Halloween.

Which leads me to my invitation to all of YOU in my
Sweet and Sinister Swap!
*****This swap is now closed- it has reached capacity!!*****
I will take sign-ups until Sept. 1st. Partners will be assigned shortly after and packages need to be mailed by Oct. 1st. Your package for your partner should contain something a little sweet, something a bit sinister and
almost everything needs to be black or white or both (can be any shade of white/cream/antique white, etc.) A splash of orange in there is ok. It should also include a handcrafted item, and a home decor item. You and your partner can exchange information about what style you prefer. Swap items can be Halloween oriented, but they don't need to be.

Leave a comment here to join in the swap. Please make sure to include your email address.

Can I be the first to sign up? Oh! This sounds like so much fun!!! Sweet & Sinister! here's my email:
I'm in!
thank you
Yes! Great idea for a swap. Sign me up or put me down. :)
Please count me in, I've been feeling like fall can't come too soon.
Hello, sign me up! Please! Sounds like fun. Thanks so much,Angelina dmast@atlanticbb.net
Ooh...I'm totally in. I love this idea!
I'd like to join the swap also! OurBountifulAcres@yahoo.com Thanks!
What a great idea, count me in, this is going to be so much fun.
reneekyweriga at yahoo.com
I would like to participate too. I've never done a swap, but Angelina told me about this one. I'm really excited! Thank you!
jennifer - pearstreetstudios.typepad.com
I'm interested. I've never done a swap on a blog before, so I hope everyone is honest!
mistiaggie at yahoo.com
Count me in, too, please!! Here's my email address:
Thanks!!! Sounds FUN! :)
hugs, cheryl
I love this theme and would love to be a part of it!!! Please put me in!
thanks for organizing/thinking of this!
I want to play please!
Sounds wickedly fun!! I want in.
I want in, I Love Halloween and would love to Participate!!! Thank you, Jamie simplymeart@gmail.com
This sounds too cool to pass up.
Can't.... help...myself... resistance.....is....futile.....YES.
Sign me up! It sounds sinfully delicious!!!!
I'd love to swap!
I'm in too! love your blog!
Thank you!, Joy
Hi-signing up...can't wait! Gina Smith (hpsgsmith@hotmail.com http://lillysoflondonish.blogspot.com
I want in on this!! Sign me up!! smallwords@comcast.net
omg! I gotta sign up for this!! sweet & sinster, yummm.. color theme ,love it.. i just readit about on calamity kim..
hello again.. I forgot to leave my email! silly me got so excited! dschoch@jamadots.com
i wanna play too! sweetgirl1913@hotmail.com-thanks for all the inspiration!ann~marie
Oh, Kari, I simply LOVE this time of the year on your blog!!! Nobody does Halloween like you, my dear!!
As much as I would love to join in (because I absolutely LOVE the idea on this one), I probably should acknowledge my limits and watch from the sidelines. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with on this one! Have fun!!! smiles....
Sounds like alot of fun
Count me in too please!
Thanks for organizing...
Oh, I want to play. This will be too much fun.
Oopps.. Can't type today the above e-dress should read susan_clonch@yahoo.com.
how wonderful, love the colors , love the idea....
I'm in....
I would LOVE to be included! There's no better time than the Halloween season:)
I enjoy reading your blog and your swaps always looks so wonderful! I'd love to join this one.
PS Great sign for your booth!
This is my favorite time of year and this swap sounds like SO much fun!!!! Please, please count me in!! Thanks Kari!!
yES,yES,yES...i'm in!
I'm new here but I have always followed your blog and mentioned you in mine..LOL! I was wondering if this swap was available to a Canadian such as myself? Please let me know. Here's my info: sandbeech@hotmail.com
Hi Kari!
I'd love to join in! I LOVE the black and white theme for Halloween!!! I already have some ideas "brewing"...heehee.
Sounds wonderful! My mind is already spinning with ideas!
Please sign me up!
How will you choose partners Kari?
I love the parameters you set up!! This is going to be an incredible swap!!! Please count me i.
Lisa H.
Count me in baby!!!!!
I would love to join you!
I would love to play! Thanks so much for hosting! Already have some fun ideas brewing in my head!
Sounds so Fun, it's Scary! Count me in :) Yes, indeedy, I am commenting all the way from Northern BC, from our campground!
Hi- My name is Stacey Newton and I'd like to join the swap. My email address is sweettea16@hotmail.com... Thanks!
PS- This is my first time doing this- Hope I didn't already post this comment!
I am in too..
I've been wanting to try a swap... I think this can be the one where I lose my swap virginity! lisa@polkadotcreations.com
I'm in too. This will be my first swap and I'm a little bit scared but what the heck...let the games begin! My email is pixi.dust@sbcglobal.net.
I'm so in! I adore black and white. cbakeman@cox.net
i've been dying (insert sinister laugh) for a swap!!
count me in!
Sounds fun inclue me....
Tammie Moore
yeah! thanks for tellin mr about this! i am in so many swaps. but i could'nt pass yours up. to fun!!!!
jessi nagy
Count me into this one mama! Just the right thing to keep me busy before Just Be Connected starts!
What a fun idea for a swap! Please sign me up!! ginnyballou@yahoo.com
I would love to take part in this!! woo hoo!
Well you've got my curiosity up so how can I resist. I'll be DESPERATELY waiting to see what I've signed up for.
The Desperate Diva
Ohhh Kari!!! I am soooo down!! count me in!!! Loooving this!! So so so up my alley!! Fun fun fun!!!!!!
thanks bunches!!!
xoxo Jenny
I'd like to join the swap please.
Sounds wonderful! Sign me up please! LSmithRN62@yahoo.com
Oh My Goodness - please count me in too. Although I have to admit - I've a little performance anxiety at some of the other here.
Love this idea.
I would love to join the fun! My email is laura@katydid-designs.com
Please sign me up!
Yea! I haven't had an opportunity to sign up for one of your swaps yet and being an almost Halloween baby - this one is for me!
Hello I woould love to sign up for this one! Love the color scheme and of course the sweets :)
Another rookie swapper but i'd love to get in if there is still room.
Please sign me up - would love to participate! What fun!!! Thanks for hosting!
CampSusie at gmail.com
Count me in!
Molly G.
Okay, I'm gonna go for it! Count me in, sister! I love the black and white theme with a splash of orange!
Ooh! Ooh! Count me in punkin'!
Sounds like great fun! Please count me in... rumcraft@kc.rr.com
I would like to be in, if still room.
What a great idea! If there's still room, count me in. pkcom@comcast.net
Would love to join!!
Lisa Thompson
I would love to join!
Sid Simpson
Please sign me up for the swap!
Oh Kari, I hope I got in under the wire! I would love to join this "Sweet and Sinister Swap"
Julie G. Baxley
I'm channeling my inner Edgar Allen Poe.....and I want to join in the sweet and sinister swap something fierce! Hope there's still room! amy@usdemolition.com
-AMY B. - California
If there is still room, I would love to join.
EEEKKS! I want in if I'm not too late. I've been pondering if I'm up to the challenge or not and now I'm cutting it close!
I'm so excited about Halloween this year, I can hardly stand it. I'd love to join this swap! Sweet and Sinister is just perfect. :)
I'm at: hrougeot at gmail dot com
Hi Kari
please sign me up!
I love halloween............
e-mail: chugbug@tds.net
Is it too late? I would love to join - wanted to think before I jumped but now have some ideas for hand made and home objects...
Am I here in time? I saw your post this morning, but I wanted to think before I jumped in. I'm jumping, if there is room!
I think I am too late, but if there is room, count me in. I would love to swap in this! Thanks.
oops, forgot email address...
Definitely include me, I LOVE Halloween! Wow...82 people so far...that's amazing.
Smiles, DianeM
Is there still room to sign up?
It would be my very first swap!!
My email address bcottage@hotmail.com
I can't believe I missed this sign up. I love swapping. If you decide to extend past 75 please include me. ltfordhd@sbcglobal.net
Hi Kari!
Please count me in your fabulous idea of a swap!
Everyday Cookies at Sweet Woodruff Acres
PS Hopefully you have room?
...PSS... I was thinking you have my email address...but just in case: hwoodred@aol.com
ohhh if you still have room I would just ADORE to be in this swap!
Pretty please with glitter and a little black crepe paper on top? LOL..
Would love to drop in for a spell and brew up a good black and white batch of something wicked this way comes! Hope there is still room for one more.
I would love to join!
can i still join?
Kari, Another great idea as usual! I wasn't gonna sign up, but how can I miss out on all the fun!
Your posts are giving me some great ideas for things.
Oh, please can I join! I probably shouldn't, this is my busy time of year! But cream and black! Those are my colors!!!!! I can't resist! Here's my email: bewitchedmagic@yahoo.com
Sorry, forgot my email - fromthepines@mazinaw.on.ca
okay i have been trying to decide and if i don't sign up now i it will be too late!
so if you still have room i would love to be in this swap!
I would love to join this swap...Is there still room? It will be my first and my brain is already swimming with some yummy ideas! My email address is lollyb65@cs.com.
kari, I have been tossing this around for days... Ok... If there is room... this is my very FIRST swap... MNScrapbookmom@gmail.com
This sounds wonderful. I am new to swaps and would love to give it a try ! Thanks Kari !
Hi again ! I do hope it is not too late to join in the swaps. I forgot to iclude my blog url.I just created it this morning, I am new to the blog world, so please all of you who take a peek, be patient ! I hope to make my blog just as nice as all of those artists women I discovered so far !
have a nice day all of you !
I may have tried to sign up on the wrong post and am probably too late, but this swap is right up my alley!!
oops my email is Cryssun@aol.com
I would like to join, if it's not too late:
thanks, luv ya!
Oh, I hope I'm not too late to join the swap!! I'm a Halloween fanatic and love the black/white theme idea!
please sign me up!!
Oh darn, I was out of town and I think I'm too late! Let me know if I made it, if not, I'll join in next time!
Any chance that I made it in time ???
I missed the cut-off when it was at 75 and then I missed it at 100.....but I did notice that some people posted twice due to leaving out their e-mail and such...so maybe there is still room for me ?????
is there still room?
If you are bending the rule and letting in a few extras I would like to sign up also, if not better luck next time!
Oh no! I missed the 75 when I checked yesterday and missed the 100 again today. If there's still room, I'd love to play too! If not, maybe next time :)
Whoops, forgot my email:
my twisted self wants in...any more room at the inn???
forgotten email like many.....
I forgot my email too
I hope I'm not too late. I was umming and ahhing for so long. But I figure if there's still a spot for me, then it's meant to be.
if i not to late sign me up.
email: purpurkaiser@freenet.de
If there's still room, I'd love to play. ~ Christine
count me in. i love halloween!
Room for one more?
Awesome idea! Count me in! I adore everything Halloween related and I love that color combo...how can i resist!
Yes....... is it too late I love this idea.
I'm in if you'll have me!!! This couldn't be more up my alley!
I am so glad you like your sign!!! I love those color combinations, too, which means I DEFINITELY need to be in the swap!!!! Count me in!!
Oh NOOOO! I always miss out on your swaps. If you have anyone drop out soon, PLEASE add me!
wowWOWTo bad I missed this. Oh well maybe next time :) I hope you girls all have fun :)Cant wait to see!!!!
What a lovely idea for a swap! I LOVE the pictures in your post. I have always been a fan of black and white, and Halloween! I love the sign Cari made for you. I'm bummed I missed out on your swap. If you do decide to have another or add more people, count me in!
boo hooooo hooo..sniffle sniffle
I am too late!
I just found your Blog, too bad I missed this, Hope you have another one. Also hello to a from fellow Minnesotain.
if you decide to accept a few more, I would love to participate!! I just heard about it!!!
Hope you are well, I *heart* halloween too!!!
So sad I missed the swap- Halloween might be the best time of year! Thanks for starting up such a cool swap and let us know how it goes!
I am too late too. Drat bat!!
:) Bren
Boooohooo...I missed it..sorry I didn't see it earlier. It sounds soooo cool..love your thinking. Please feel free to send me info for next time. daoriginals@verizon.net
if ts not already full i would lke to sign up too.
Very effective material, thank you for this post.
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