Thursday, September 20, 2007

{Happy Birthday}

Today as I celebrate my 32nd birthday, I'm feeling a little sweet and a little sinister. I don't have an ingenious post like I did last year. You can check that one out here. So I thought I'd share some sneak peeks of what I've been up to making for my Sweet and Sinister swap partners. Check out all the wonderful art being created for this swap here. Fun stuff! Since the theme has been such a hit, I have decided to host a Sweet and Sinister Blogland Gala the last week of October. Stay tuned for more details....


MNScrapbookmom said...

Happy BDay Kari... {{HUGS}} Love all your work.. :) ¥ Have a great day...

Funky Finds said...

Happy birthday!!! I hope its a wonderful one! Love everything you have created

jennalee said...

Wow, you have been busy. Happy Birthday Kari and thanks for the inspiration.

Dawn said...

Happy B-day, dear Kari!
Hope it's a special day for you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

happy birthda kari!!! Hope you have a wonderful day.

kristin said...

what fun!! it all looks GREAT!! :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! xxx

Heather said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope your day is as 'sweetly sinister' as you like! hehe

Anonymous said...

HAPPY HAPPY B-DAY!!! Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!

LindaSonia said...

Happy Happy to you. Your birthday AGE is my birth DATE - 32 = 3/2 = March 2 - My birthdate!
Have fun!! p.s. also love your creations in the B/W theme, especially the dresses. LindaSonia

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!! your sweet and sinister art is tooo cute!

jewellspring said...

Hi Kari, recent new reader and I was hoping to subscribe to a feed for my Google reader. I don't see an obvious way to do that. Is it an option?

I have always created with words more than objects, but so enjoy learning about you and other Artful Bloggers, as I picked up the mag in a San Francisco Borders. Happy Birthday, young one ;-).

Crafty Mama said...

Happy sweet and sinister birthday to you!!!

Anonymous said...

A very happy birthday to you! I'm loving your sweet and sinister projects--celebrating your creativity on your birthday is a lovely way to honor your hard work.

Jessi Nagy said...

Happy Birthday!
Miss Kari!
your sneak peaks are awesome!!!
I mailed you a little package today! Keeep your eyes open!
jessi nagy

AmyB said...

HBD! At 32 you're sure of you... you can view the world in beautiful hues... may you embark this year on some things new... and, dear Kar, may your troubles be few!
Amy B.

Deb said...

Sending Happy Birthday Wishes to you. All your creations are wonderful.

Heather said...

Kari, I knew there was a reason I completely adored you! We have the same birthday! What fun! I hope you have a happy day, Kindred Spirit and Birthday Partner!!!

BTW - I am having so much fun putting together my Sweet & Sinister Swap stuff. Thank you so much for organizing it for us!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kari! Hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork!

Unknown said...

happy b day!!
you have a wonderful craftiness that inspires so many.

Sugar Bear said...

Happy birthday Kari! All of your swap goodies look awesome. I read your last year's post as well and it is very insightful and well put together. I don't know if you were aware of this but Oprah just did a show on autisim this week featuring Jenny McCarthy and her new book on her experiences. It was very interesting. If you didn't see it, I believe the info is on the Oprah web site.

xxxxx said...

Happy birthday Kari!!! I hope yours is as bountiful and special as mine was yesterday :-) Many happy returns!

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Sweet Kari!!! I hope your day is filled with wonderful things and all of your wishes come true!!

~Cerri xoxo

FrostingsNSparkles said...

Hope that you have a wonderful, artful Birthday!! Your art is divine!

Becky Bunn said...

Happy Birthday, love everything you have been busy making. May all your wishes come true

Jeanne said...

Wishing you the best birthday ever Kari!

Unknown said...




Christi said...

Happy birthday, Kari!!!! Lots of really fun goodies here! I can't wait to hear what you have planned... smiles!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and stay as creative as you are! You are producing wonderful things and you are a great inspiration!

Debbie Doughty said...

Happy 32nd Birthday to you! The 18th was the 32nd anniversary of my 21st birthday! I heard that September has the most birthdays of any month...

Flea Market Queen said...

Happy Birthday!
Have a wonderfully blissful day...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!!! I hope it was a fabulous day full of all wonderful things!
xoxo andrea

Gina M Smith said...

Happy Birthday to you-mine's tomorrow! I think Virgos are the best, don't you? Love your blog banner, especially, and all the photos. Would be honored to get listed in your blog roll some day. Looking forward to your next swap. Have you joined ZNE? You really should take a look. I love it.

Becky said...

Happy Birthday.
Also I want to tell you again how much I love all the stuff I got from your shop. Have a great day.

Sadie Olive said...

Love all of your creations! And happy birthday!

The GlitterFairy... said...

Happy, happy b-day to you, Kari! Hope your day was special and full to the rim with fun. Love your projects!

Monica said...

Hope you had a fabulous birthday! The Sweet and Sinister Blogland Gala sounds like a ton of fun , I have really enjoyed the swap!

Alison Gibbs said...

Hope you had a Happy Birthday. What wonderful things yuou have made for the Sweet and Sinister Swap.

Bonita Rose said...

hope ur day was filled with wonderful surprises kari.. hugs

Anonymous said...

Today as you celebrate your birthday I celebrate the birth of my very own blog. Many happy returns of the day to you, I hopw you have a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Judy said...

Happy birtday to you - la la la

Stacy said...

Happy Birthday Kari!!
hope the year ahead is filled with health, happiness and continued creativity. you are awesome!!

Mary said...

Happy Birthday. I made it to this blog one day late (on the 21st)as soon as I called my daughter to wish her a happy 32nd birthday.

It was clearly a very creative week back in 1975.

Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...


Looking forward to seeing you at Silver Bella!!!


Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

Happy Birthday!! That kitty in the top picture is sooooo cute!! Love all the sweet & sinister goodies.

mendytexas said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! I love your newest creations! Have fun!

Melanie Margaret said...

Happy Birthday.
Hope your year is full of Joy and Blessings!

Sherri said...

oh my. it is all so wonderful. My partner better not get their hopes up this high. You do great work.

32 is a wonderful age, although I think sometimes it takes us a little time to get used to a new number. Continue to live with joy & creativity!

Anonymous said...

Kari, Happy Birthday!!! I'm so glad that we met - it really was such a thrill for me and now I can totally picture you (not just from a picture on your blog) as I think about it being your birthday. I hope you had a wonderful time. The pictures of all the goodies you've been making are so great!! They exactly the kind of fun stuff that I like. I love the dress you did, the doll with the pointed hat, every single thing you pictured was really, really good. You are so talented!! Again, happy birthday Kari!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to a telented young lady!!Hope it's a good one!

Bristol said...

Happy Birthday, is it on the 20th, so was mine!! I was 38, bummer only two more till I am 40. Hope you had a good one. I was met at the door with my three year old holding cake and balloons. That was the best present!

Tammy Gilley said...

I'm a few days behind in my blog-reading, but my wishes for a happy, happy birthday and a wonderful year to come are heartfelt. Sending you belated birthday hugs...cheers to you...tammy

Stacy/Creativemuse said...

Happy Belated bday....HOpe this year is even better than the last!
Abundance,Peace,Harmony and Happiness to you!
