ArtsyMama the BOOK!!! Yes, inspired by my love of books and so many of the wonderful books that I look to for inspiration, I have decided to do my biggest DIY (do-it-yourself) challenge to date of publishing
my own book. Self-publishing is the coolest. You have say over everything, because you're doing all the set up and layouts yourself. Then it's printed (and can be sold) as a professional looking book. It was too enticing to pass up. After looking through my over 500+ posts of this blog and 2000 pictures (I had no idea I had so many!) I decided to take the plunge. It's going to contain content from my blog, full instructions on several projects and also never before published writing. It is in process and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Not sure how long it will take, but you'll see it here first when it's complete:)

For some eye candy I pulled out my round robin book I did last winter/spring with
Lilia, and
Julie and it's all on display in my home, so I took some pics. Lovely to look at on this sub zero day.

Hope you're having a great weekend!
Artsy Mama the book?
I'm looking forward to it!
Good luck and enjoy the process,
Oh I can't wait to see how this all works and goes! Keep us posted!
good for u, are u using blurb??? I am in the process of putting together a book of mine too!
That's great. I'm sure it will be a best seller!
wow! that is so cool kari!
i will want a celebrity signed copy from you!
you'll be famous!
have a great weekend!
Great idea Kari! Sounds like a sure hit!!
Carol in Massachusetts
How exciting! Let us hear about your journey!
What a perfectly wonderful idea for Artsy Mama. You have a wonderful way of drawing all of us into your beautiful blog. Every blog I go on seems to have your link on their sidebar. Lots of success on your project. Hard work that will be full of joy for you, and for us to share. Blessings, Karen
Put me down for an order of 1!!!! How exciting, it will be fantastic, I just know it, coming from someone as creative as you! You go girl!
Can't wait to see the finished product - inspiring for sure! Please keep us posted on your progress! Congrats!
Kari, I think this is an excellent idea!! I have been looking at this lately too, and would love to do one myself one day!
I can't wait to see how yours turns out! I am sure it will be fabulous!
~Cerri xoxo
good for you! it will be an excellent book and i will definitely be getting one!
Oh how brave and wonderfully creative of you! A book would be lovely! I would like to someday write and illustrate children's books. I wish you all the luck in the world and think your book will be very successful.
I love your round robin book! You have so much creativity in you!
Kim McCabe
Curiouser & Curiouser Designs
Kari, what a wonderful idea.
Wonderful idea - it will be full of fab inspiring eye candy. Go for it!
Oh wow,now I'm all excited & can't wait!I will definitely buy one of your books and will read it with my 3 daughters.I just know it will be fabulous!I bet the cover alone will be so artistic that we'll want to display it like a fine piece of artwork.Anyways,thanks for sharing your round robin book,so nice to look at while it's -5 degrees out here...burr!Renee...on her way to getting hot chocolate & a truffle :)
Hi Kari!
Wow a book?!!! You never cease to amaze me, nothing seems to be impossible for you. You are totally awesome! I can't wait and please make sure you can buy it internationally as I will have to get my hands on a copy of it! I am so excited for you.
Kari- I think I have always looked at your blog but never commented. I just wanted to tell you I love your work, and congratulations on your book.
What a great idea and a fun challenge to take on. That's so cool. It will be great to follow your progress.
Good luck!
way to take the plunge!! can't wait...good luck with the process!!!
Way to go girl! I want to get one of the first copies, signed, ofcourse. This will be an amazing journey for you. Enjoy it!!!
What a great idea Kari!! Can't wait to see it! Love that round robin book....so beautiful!!!
wow! congratulations! i'll be looking forward to it!
Can't wait to see it!
What fun and I'm sure it wil be a best seller!
Wow! That is so exciting! I can't wait to see it!
OOOh my gosh....your books are incredible. How long to they take to create? Wonderful and so unique and original.
Have a great Sunday night.
Cooool Idea, Kari! Sounds like just the kind of ambitious project you specialize in :) We'll all be cheering for you, Girl!
OMGoodness ~ I cannot wait to get my hands on that book!
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Sandy :)
Wow, the book sounds exciting and I look forward to being able to buy one....I wish you lots of luck on this journey..
Wow. How great, your own book. I will be the first on the list to get one. Good Luck.
What a fabulous idea.
I would love to buy a copy of your book, autographed of course. :-)
WOW! I just found your blog and saw those 4 canvases and almost had a cow. SO COOL! I'm going to go devour your archives. And a book? Yes, please!
Kari! Good for you! Good for us!!! Enjoy the process and I know I will enjoy the results! You rock!!! xo-Mel
Go for it - I will absolutely read it !!
Sarah :)
I'm loving looking at this round robin book...it's making me warm on a sub zero night!!
I think a book, self-published is a wonderful way to go!! Can't wait to see it!
What a blast! You'll do great!
fantastic! im looking forward to it!!
This is soooo exciting!
Can't wait to hear more about it!
I have read about self publishing - I think that is awesome - have thought about it - but not quite ready to put anything together...
LOVE your round robin book - what beautiful eye candy!
Thanks for sharing it!
oh yay!!!!! add me to the list of definite buyers!!!! please tell us more about how you are self-publishing... smiles!
What a fun adventure you're on. Can't wait to see your book! Sign me up for a copy! :-)
Looking forward to scrapping with you this weekend!
What exciting news! You have such a great blog - lots of variety & always something of interest - no doubt your book will be a 'bestseller'! Jane
Great idea! And such a good lesson - I am slowly learning that if you want to sell stuff, you have to put stuff on sale. Obvious, and yet alot of people are needlessly jealous of published artists. There is even a Mark Twain quote about it...something about audacity? Who are you using to publish?
I definitely want one or two. Your art and blog is so beautiful and brings joy to so many people. How amazing is the thought that you could bring Artsy Mama to the world (even those who don't use computers.) Have fun and as lili said, "enjoy the process!"
What fun you're going to have putting your book together; it's a great idea!
very cool...i also started a book...just last week. on blurb...is that what you are using?
I am a new reader and love your photos. I am interested in self-publishing myself, so I look forward to hearing about your journey.
What a fantastic idea and I'm in the queue to buy a copy!
Best Wishes
Good luck on producing your book! It looks just lovely. What a wonderful challenge and I wish you much success.
How exciting!!! Cant wait to see it!!!
OH how fun Kari! Congrats! You know I'll buy a copy! I bought iHanna's book she published through Lulu.com. It's GORGEOUS! I can NOT wait to see what yours will look like! Have fun! :-)
Sign me up for a pre-order!!!
woohoo! please flag a copy of the book for me!!! yay you!
and, speaking of round robins, i'm ready to get ours going again, maybe next month some time mid-to-late-month? xoxo
Wow Kari, this is such exciting news! You are always up to something new and different! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Yeah, that'll be a lot of work, ask me, I've done one! Send your questions my way of you need to know anything Kari.
Good luck, I know it will be faB!
awesome news!
a sure-fire hit!
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