This was a round robin book that I began just about two years ago. Sadly, not all round robins work out. The person I was going to do this with became quite busy with her art and writing her own book, etc. that it didn't work out. However, it arrived safe and sound back home to me this weekend. It was so fun to see it again after all this time, so I wanted I'd share it with you.

The Be quotes are from the book
BE: Life is here and it is now by Kobi Yamada.

She enclosed a bunch of goodies and I had just bought some of these fabulous shadowboxes. I thought they made the perfect display of my mail "art" that I received. I think I will do this more often. Not even necessarily stick them down, but just give them their own presentation for me to oogle at for a few days:)

Kari what a cute idea the book is.
What a wonderful idea. I am DEFINITELY stealing it to do with my friends.
Oooooooooh, I am so going to do that!
LOVE the book. And I have soooo sworn off RRs because I never have been in one that actually worked out. Still, the concept is great!
What a darling book!
Love that cover :)
Oh I love how you displayed those things! And the book is fabulous. Hugs to you, Kari!
beautiful book miss kari!
have a great week!
wonderful book --how wonderful that it came home to you an unexpected delight -- How is your book coming along ???? will we get as a sneak peek ??
What a wonderful Blog! I found you in Somerset's Artful Blogging, I can totally relate to the weather - I too live in land of the frozen people! Your artwork is wonderful and you have some very inspiring posts! Thank you!
Jenny (Artgypsy)
Very cute book. glad it found its way back home.
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