Monday, April 28, 2008

Edible supplies and party hats...

THANK YOU for your wonderful comments on my House of Inspiration. Registration is now open for the event in Pleasonton, CA where I'll be teaching the class. Classes will be chosen mid-May. After the event in August, I will try to put together some kits and sell them in my etsy shop. I'll let you know when that happens. It is wonderful to hear your praise and sparks of inspiration. That means the world to me! Thanks.Ok, they are not actually edible, but does anyone else out there like to display their craft supplies almost as if they are food? Maybe it's because my studio is our dining room. I love to use retro kitchen supplies to house my crafting treasures. The print above to the left is from Everyday is a Holiday. I guess that's the approach I take in decorating, as if every day is a holiday! I found these party horns at a garage sale last week.

Love housing smaller supplies in vintage egg cartons. So many options with strainers and bowls.
Also came across a box of these vintage crepe paper party hats at a garage sale. Does anyone know anything about these? I just love them, but can't seem to dig up any information on them.

Hope you had a nice weekend!


Heidi said...

Good Morning! (almost afternoon now I guess?)...Whenever I go to your blog, I end up smiling!!! Thanks so much for that!....Heidi :)

Lilli in Vancouver said...

Such creative display ideas :) Our craft supplies ARE food! Food for the soul !

leesiebella said...

MMMM! This post is soooo sweet! I love everything! I just picked up a pink syrup pitcher like yours... buttons look FAB in it!!

Hugs Sweetie!

Unknown said...

What cute finds! I love how you display everything...

Alison Gibbs said...

Kari I love how you display all of your goodies. It must make you think of something new to create everytime you walk past it.

Amy said...

How cute! I also put display items in tea cups, and I LOVE the syrup container! Do you think those hats are from New Year's parties long ago? I seem to recall a picture (that is now about 35 years old)where some of my aunts & uncles were wearing something very similar! Just a thought! Take care and keep the inspiration coming!

Anonymous said...

I love how you display supplies. It keeps things interesting! Such cute ideas and I love that pink scale.

Cassie said...

I love your ideas! I'm so glad I found your blog! All of my crafting supplies are in our back office but now I'm going to start displaying them where they will be conveniant and useful for me. Thanks so much for the inspiration. Cassie

mommyholly said...

I am loving your studio area!!!! That egg carton full of cut things is the BEST! :) LOVE your blog!

Guendalina said...

I just found your blog and I love it! Congratulations, you are very talented!

LW said...


Love the pink scale…too cute.


Anonymous said...

beautiful eye candy today! I love that you use kitchen bowls and the scale to hold your craft supplies. It's such a happy space!

julie (jane's apron) said...

Love your've given me a great idea for my syrup pitcher.

Jessi Nagy said...

look at all that sugary goodness!!
see ya Thursday!!

Maija said...

But where do you put it all?!?!?!?

Donna Layton said...

The only thing I know about those party hats is that's the way they were made in the olden days.
I LOVE that pink scale. I still have the scale from my grandparents...nice and shabby/rusty, but I would be thrilled to find a pink one like yours.
Thank you for the shout out in your most recent post!
Oh yeah.....Bazaar Style is also the perfect description of my style. Looks like a great book.

Anonymous said...

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