Thursday, April 17, 2008

One of the best ever....

After dropping the kids off at pre-school this morning I thought I'd hit an estate sale that sounded pretty good in the paper. The ad mentioned vintage this and that, buttons, etc. Enough to entice me. Boy I had no idea what I was in store for! One man came out and said it was "junky" so I knew it must be good:)My first hint that it was turning into an extradordinary morning is when I was waiting outside to get inside the house with the sale, I recognized Sandy Stone from her feature article in Country Living magazine a few months back. She is a local artist that makes extraordinary mixed media pieces with vintage materials. Check out her fun goods here. I didn't get a chance to talk to her outside, but did say hello as we were both giddy with excitement over the treasures we were finding inside.
So here are some of the amazing gems I found. Boxes of vintage millinery and fun little holiday corsages. *I would love any advice on steaming the large flowers to poof them a bit.*
I gasped when I saw these vintage wooden mushrooms picks made in Sweden.
Then there were paper dolls of varying sizes that were adorable. The dresses above are about 15" tall each and perfectly aged.

This little lady is quite large as well and each dress is a good foot tall.
The old books and cards were gorgeous.
More paper dolls. These were regular size and came in thier own little "environments" with siblings, a bedroom and clothing galore.
French flash cards....
Junky.....I think not!!!!! You be the judge. hehe!


Jennifer said...

wow! lucky stop. thanks for sharing all that stuff. we have nothing like that in colorado. lol. the people here are kind of boring. they mostly like politics and drinking beer. ha ha. i hope you enjoy. i loved the pictures.


Jessi Nagy said...

so many awesome things!!! oxoxox,

Anonymous said...

you've got to be kidding me!! I would faint if I walked into an estate sale like that! I can't even imagine! lucky you!
xo natalea

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Woweee!! That really was the best estate sale ever!! You must have had so much fun!! LOVE the millinery!!

Lilli in Vancouver said...

You hit the jackpot! What a treasure find :)

Anonymous said...

OMG you really hit the motherlode, how fun. I have to tell you that I live in the Bay area in Ca. just 40 min. from Pleasanton and I cannot wait to sign up for your class. Im so excited for that whole weekend in Aug. then to find out that Pam Garrison is going to be there too I felt like hit the motherlode.. See you in Aug. Kathy H.

Stacy/Creativemuse said...

ON A THURSDAY? Dang you are soo lucky! Just ready for adventure i suppose!It all looks amazing!I tried to so a little hunting the other day I did okay but not like you...I can't find these millinary flowers like you have in the least not in my corner so far...
OH Hey come to flickr and see my Show...I had told you about awhile ago it was good and mellow to get my feet wet...we see how wet they get with 4 kiddos and Hubby having me Swear off swaps ...I am addicted!and we are over run with supplies..He thnks Junk...too hehehe...

Congrats you are really moving into SOme Great places lately! Enjoy
Love to you and yours Warmly

Cheryl Ensom said...

Definitely NOT junky! Totally adorable! You SCORED, Miss Kari! What yummy finds.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wonderful, wonderful stuff. I love a sale that the dealers don't like. Don't you just feel such a kinship with the original owner? Thanks for the peek!

Lola Enchanted said...

Junky?????!!!??? It's completely mawvelous!!!! I LOVE the mushrooms. I really love the mushrooms!!!!! What great finds!

Anonymous said...

Those paper dolls are amazing!! You sure hit the jackpot with all that great stuff!!! Have fun creating!!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

What a great collection of goodies!


Anonymous said...

Omg you hit the jackpot!!! wow lucky you! I wish I was lucky as you to find goodies like that!!!


Anonymous said...

Holy cow you hit a goldmine! Don't you just love it when you hit an estate sale like this one...makes your whole day (or week, month...)!

Alison Gibbs said...

Oh what a fabulous sale that was

Michele said...

You hit the best sales!!!! Love all the pix of your goodies...thanks for sharing them with us.
Michele :)

m i c h e l l e said...

DUDE! Those are some super premium finds!!! LOVE 'em all!!!

obsessed scrapbooker said...

Oh, I am drooling! Especially over the millinery flowers and the paper dolls! What treasures!

Jorgelina said...

Dolls with their dresses is beautiful!
Great hallasgo!

Recycled Rita said...

You lucky girl!!
Out here in Calif. we hardly find finds like that at all and if we do it is mucho dollars!!! I did go to a thrift store on my lunch 1/2hr and found a really pretty teacup and lace collar for 1.50 though so I am happy!!! You got the motherlode!!! I love you website!! karen b...

Anonymous said...

Just goes to man's "junk" is another man's treasure! Good for you! You picked up some adorable goodies!

Andria said...

Very, very cool stuff. There are so many posibilities!

Our Hands For Hope said...

Are you kiddin' me? I would have sat in front for a week to get my paws on this stuff! So sad for the man coming out...he just doesn't know a diamond in the ruff!

andrea said...

thats some good junk if I do say so! you find the best stuff!

Lina said...

Wow, some great finds!! Love those mushrooms!

Sheila Rumney said...

You would have had to pick me off the floor after seeing all those goodies at an estate sale! Thanks for the pics to drool over!!

mary k said...

Kari, I think you hit the Mother Lode!! I can't believe the treasures you found. Oh, to come upon such a treat.

Threads of Inspiration said...

Wow! Not only did you get some great stuff, the idea of a fun adventure day (or even hour) sounds great to me.
You might try a fabric steamer to plump up the flowers. If you don't have a fabric steamer, set your iron on steam and hold it just above the flowers. Don't touch them of course because they will probably melt.

Merci-Notes said...

These are extraordinary! What a treasure your have found!!!

Donna Layton said...

LOL...cracks me up that man called it junky. Wow, what a thrill. I wonder why your estate sales are so much better than the ones around here? I think it has to do with where artistic, crafty people tended to live in the mid 1900s. Lori Oles told me to use my teapot to steam millinery flowers. Works like a charm and the transformation is miraculous.

misskp said...

Great shopping day, Batman! Makes my fingers and toes twitch, waiting until I find that kind of sale! Gorgeous millinery!

Anonymous said...

You scored girlfriend!!! That is definitely one of the best ever!
xo, tiffany said...

Lucky you!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Kari, what great finds! Love those paper dolls!!

MarilynH said...

I am getting dizzy just thinking about it!!!

Heidi said...

So enjoy your blog! And the photos today of all your found treasures?? I am so inspired I may have to spend the weekend combing garage sales too! Thanks so much for such a prettiness!!!....Heidi

Sherri said...

Junky in the best sense of the word. Some just don't "get it" ... makes me wonder what type of person had owned them...and kept them all this time. Clearly a kindred spirit. congratulations on these incredible finds.

Raven's Rest Studio, Jennifer Conway said...

OK - I'm just about falling off my chair!!! What a score and a half! I love those sales where your heart thumps, and you get a little giddy and light-headed - hmmmmmm, maybe that's just me?!

The Paper Peddler said...

OOOH! Lucky, Lucky Lady!! I am so jealous of your finds! Awesome! -Liz

The Feathered Nest said...

I'm so happy for you!!!!! To find such treasures all in one place and all for's just HEAVEN! It's just eye candy for us but precious art supplies for glad you hit the jackpot! xxoo, Dawn

Jennifer Paganelli said...

You are so fortunate....probably the luckiest in the world with all your fun finds...Glad I get to see you, Jennifer

Kimla Kay said...

She reads. She shops. She scores. Oh, you lucky girl, you hit the motherload....again. Yes, we are all wishing we lived in Minnesota too. You got the best junk! By the way, your book just arrived at my doorstep. Can't wait to read it and soak up more of your vintage finds! hugs...kimla

Anonymous said...

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