Thursday, September 18, 2008

Postponed...and gathering button!

I am going to postpone the Autumn Gathering House Party that was going to take place on the Autumn Equinox, until October 23rd. I've been out enjoying our gorgeous fall weather so much, that I haven't had a chance to get everything decorated inside. I also want it closer to Halloween so everyone can showcase their fall and/or Halloween decor. Kelly Harcus created the fabulous button above for us. Feel free to add it to your blogs. I put it on my sidebar as well, and if you'd like to participate I will add you to the blogroll.
Some flickr inspiration. See more of my flickr favorites here.


Karin said...

Love it....I will add it to mine.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information!! These Halloween stuff are amazing!!

Fiona said...

I'm sad yet releived. Now there is more time to get ready - I certainly wasn't organised. Love the button!

Unknown said...

Now that you have changed the date, I would love to join in the fun. I signed up for too many Blog Wonder lately, but that date sounds great. Karen

Sheila Rumney said...

I would love to join the fun!! Love the button!

Unknown said...

Count me in! I would love to play!

Sleepy Hollow Craft Company said...

I love it!!! Can I participate too???
I will add the button to my blog :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like fun. I'd love to participate. I'm adding the button to my blog!

Heidi said...

Hi Kari, I so enjoy your blog & would simply love to join you in your "Autumn Gathering House Party"! I am so looking forward to it!....Wishing you a wonderful weekend!....Heidi XO

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Great, I will defiantly try and participate! Gives me time to recover from the birthday party!

Anonymous said...

Count me in - love the idea!!!


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Kari! I'm so glad this is postponed for a bit. Will give me time to finish decorating! Yes, please add me to the blog roll ~ I can't wait to participate & will add the cute button to my sidebar.

Did you ever get a chance to visit my blog post that I did about your cute ice cream sign you made for me?

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

*SHeRRy B* said...

What FUN this is going to be and what inspiration! I am working on stuff, right now! I have to get ready for my guests!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to participate. It's also my son's 22nd birthday. I use to call him my little pumpkin. : ) I already have some decorations up too!

Anonymous said...

I would love to participate!

Unknown said...

I'll be a part -- and to make it even better, that's MY BIRTHDAY!!!


Chris Worthy said...

I would love to join in. :)

Cindy said...

Hmmmm, thought I had already left a comment...but knowing scattered me...probably not! LOL! So, yes please I would like to play...already did once (eye roll here see blog) and want to again. For real this time. LOL.


Kristen Pare said...

I'd love to join! Oct 23rd is my
9th wedding anniversary! We had a fall theme wedding in an outdoor chapel! Halloween and Fall are my favorites :)


Kathryn Costa said...

Oh, I would love to join your autumn open house. I'm just now putting the finishing touches on my s&s box that will be shipped to Belgium.

I have a goodie in mind for all who visit my blog that day.

mommyholly said...

I just wrote you another comment, but just want to be sure to get in on the FUN!!! :) xo!
Holly @

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up for your Autumn Gathering! What fun to see how everyone decorates!
Emily ~ "Remember Me"

blingqueen said...

Yes, please add me to your list. I will add the button to my blog. This will be fun!!!!


Romy of Pixie Paper Arts said...

I would like to play! Thanks for hosting it's going to be spooky!!!

Kelly said...

So glad to have found your blog!! I would love to be apart of your Autumn gathering!!! Please add me to the list!!

Beautiful Blessings~
Kelly Maria

PS~ I invite you to visit my little blog, I am having an Autumn Giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Well since you postponed it, yee-haw, yes, I want to participate too! Hope to get all my stuff done this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kari,

Thank you for hosting such a fun event! Please and my blog to the list. I better start decorating!

Happy Day,

Patti said...

Is it too late to participate in the Gathering on Oct. 23rd? If not, I would love to be included! Halloween is my all time favorite! By the way- I'm glad I found your blog- it's very fun!


blingqueen said...

Hello again,

I left a message before, but I don't see me on your blog roll. I would luv to participate in the halloween decorating. Please add me.

Melissa said...

Sign me up too...I have a lot to get ready for and this gives me some time to pretty things up.

Rhondamum said...

I would love to join in! Thanks for the invite!

Barbara said...

Hi, Kari - I'd love to be part of your gathering. I think I've finally found all of my Halloween things! Thanks so much. Best wishes, Barbara

Cessan said...

I would love to join too! I'll probably have more fall pic that that's OK?

Love your fall picture!

have a lovely said...

what perfect timing that I have just stumbled across your lovely blog today!! I would love to participate and just shared my decor on Friday with my readers...can we just use that direct link?

have a lovely said...

actually scratch part of my last thought...I will do a new post on your party day and show some things I have made recently and then link to the post from last friday...would this be ok? sorry for the confusion! :)

maryboys said...

oh - i love this! i would love to be to add the beautiful button!