Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's a Halloween party...

Hello! Thanks so much for coming to visit. I am having a party here today as part of Vanessa's Fanciful Twist Halloween Bash!
I am thrilled to have my party at my favorite local haunt, a nursery called Nature's Harvest in Wayzata, Minnesota.

So come on in!!

Can I give you a hand?
The table is set with some devilish delights.
Be sure and say hello to an old friend of mine.
Grab a mug to fill with hot cider and have a seat, there's lots of entertainment and conversation. The dancing black cats are quite the show!

Such a grand party table....and we're just getting started!
Be sure and have your fortune read before you go.
Thanks so much for visiting.
Be sure and stop back here starting tomorrow, I will be posting the 13 Days of Halloween. Each days post will include inspiration and festivities leading up to All Hallow's Eve. Look forward to seeing you back soon!


Anonymous said...

What fabulous decorations!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful decorations.
Happy early Halloween :)

Fiona said...

We just don't do Halloween properly in the UK. What a great place and in Wayzata. Who knew? I really need a fabulous witch doll.........

Anonymous said...

A beautiful decor and the hand is lovely!

Kathryn Costa said...

Oh what a dashing skeleton donning the door! I'll definitely be back for the 13 days of Halloween. How fun. Fabulous photos!

Be sure to swing by my place for I have some brain tonic and three witches brew for you! Vincent Price is waiting patiently for you to arrive to begin his story. I do hope to see you soon!

I've also given you a plug, several times. If I have the link wrong or if you wish for it to read differently let me know.

Happy early Halloween.

Laume said...

I used to live very near Wayzata (Mound) - wish I still lived close enough to visit this amazing shop. I always enjoy the photos you take when you visit.

Marina Capano said...

Hi!I love your halloween post!Happy early halloween!
I do hope to see you soon


DMG said...

Your party is a frightful feast for the eyes! Hope you can fly by our Sleepy Hollow Soirree! Stay tuned for our Studio Seance next weekend....

Love and toadstools,
Witch Alberta

Anastasia said...

so much fun!! so happy to meet you at the party!

artbrat said...

Your photos are gorgeous!

Hootin Anni said...

Love these!!! I LOVE the skeleton on the door!!! I ♥ Halloween!!!

Come check my Halloween Party slideshow if you can find time.


Anonymous said...

Very lovely! What a cute clown you make! I'm excited about your ideas for tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Happy Halloween Kari. I love all your goulish delights and your photos of creations too. Wonderful post, and wishing you a Happy Halloween. Karen

Anonymous said...

That photo "framed' with the autumn leaves is stunning!!!!
Happy H!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

eeeek! scary!!! Love the pink outfit!

♥ visit me at ♥

Heather said...

Oh, what beautiful halloween decorations! I am in love!
Nice to meet you at this tea party :)

Anonymous said...

What lovely decorations!!!
Thanks for the wonderful tour and the yummy tea:)

Please stop by for a pumpkin muffin!

MARLOU B. said...

Wonderful party!!
Happy Halloween !

Lola Enchanted said...

What a great party!!!! So much spooky eye candy!!!!!

Don't forget to fly over to enter my giveaway!

Happy early Halloween!

Betty said...

Wow! What a fabulous place. There's so much eye candy here. I even see a witches' boot that I would love to have!
Happy Hallow E'en!

Natalia said...

This is frighteningly fabulous!

Thanks for having me!

Anonymous said...

oh yay 13 days of halloween!!! what a fabulous idea!!! i definitly will be popping in! i looooooove your halloween decorations, especially all the black cats!!!

be sure to come and visit me as i am having a few halloween giveaways!!! so much fun!!! and three cheers to miss vanessa for hosting this amazing party!!!

Shell said...

A fabulous lovely Party. I'm enjoying my cup of hot sider. I'll be back to enjoy the 13 Days of Halloween.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I LOVE that skeleton door-hanging & have saved it to my inspiration file. Happy halloween!

Kara Ward said...

What a treat...I just want to fly in on my broom...such lovely photos of a magical place. Kara

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween! Thanks for the cider. :)

Sleepy Hollow Craft Company said...

we had a SPOOKTACULAR time!
what a fabulous bunch of BOOTIFUL creations...
stop over at our party too!
Sleepy Hollow Craft Company

Carolee said...

What a wonderful collection you have! Your blog is always such a delight to visit, and of course, being a year-round Halloween artist and general Hallwoeen fanatic, I'm loving these parties!

Happy Halloween!
~ Carolee

Tara said...

Beautiful decorations! Happy Halloween Party day

Teacup Mosaics said...

Thanks for the hand! I'll be back to visit the 13 days of halloween. Great as always.

Emily Anne Leyland said...

Love all your stuff!!!

What a beautiful blog!! I am doing a giveaway so come check it out ;)


Anonymous said...

Great job and the photography is beautiful. So much to look at and all of it gorgeous

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

Hauntingly beautiful!

jewelstreet said...

What a great post!

I love all those decorations.

Debb said...

What great decorations I had a lot of fun. Thanks fortheparty

Leah said...

Love the photos and decorations! Be sure to check out my blog, I'm having a giveaway! :) Happy Halloween!

calamity kim said...

wow! That's a wonderful place to visit! Thank you for the Halloween splendor! You look cute as a button in your costume too! Happy Halloween!
Blood & Stitches, calamity Kim

Anonymous said...

Nature's Harvest looks like a delicious place to visit - I'll have to stop by if ever I'm in your neck of the woods. I dropped by from Vanessa's party, hope you'll come by and have a cupcake with me!

Witchy Blessings,

AwtemNymf said...

I'm Blog Hopping from Vanessa's "A Fanciful Twist" Party <{:O) I had a blast mingling withyou *winks* Look at all that black/orange yumminess! WOW! ps- you look cute too!
Stop by my place too... I'm having a couple of give-aways!
Have a bootiful day!
Be Enchanted!

Joan Princing Art said...

WOW - totally awesome decorations! That nursery looks wonderful. Must be really fun to visit there.

Great photos!

Happy Halloween,

Cassie said...

What a great Halloween party! Loved your costume. Thanks for sharing, it was fun.

Sandra Evertson said...

That was Fabulous!
Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful place to visit. The color is incrediable - you have taken some great photos. Have a wonderful and happy Halloween.

Swirly Designs said...

Enjoyed your Halloween blog decorations.
~Swirly Designs

* elizabeth * said...

Lovely Skellies. I wish I had a green door just like that to hang one on! Thanks for haivng me by! Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Halloween decorations! Very inspiring for this Halloween season. Be sure to drop by my place for some spooky fun!

at Little Ruby Studios

Our Hands For Hope said...

What a great place to live in!!! I'm not sure I would know where to lay my eyes.

Cindy said...

So whimsical and wonderful! I love it!


Chris said...

are you KIDDING? I love skeletons and you have really done this up right! I'm so glad you joined the party. I'll be back. Thanks for the festivities.

NyteRayn said...

I was just hanging out over at a Fanciful Twist’s party and I thought I’d check out your blog!

Thank you for inviting us to your party!! Gorgeous!

Tinsell and Whimsy said...

After seeing these photos......I seem to be suffering from lackofcoloridis..........these decorations have been an inspiration. I will be the Gov says!

scrappin{jewlz} said...

great decorations! Can't wait to see what you post next!

Kims Art said...

Wow, great party! The skeletons are wonderful! Happy Halloween!

mendytexas said...

I am a Halloween Party girl too! Love your fun decor! You always show the most fun pieces!! Happy Halloween! :)Mendy

Christy said...

happy happy halloween! your decor is fabulously bewitching!

Melissa Valeriote said...

I'm late, I'm glad to see your still celebrating!! Happy Halloween!

ellencrimitrent said...

what great goodies you have here at your party!! I really enjoyed stopping by. I love all the shelves of spooky goodness!

Missy said...

Makes me want to keep decorating!! I thought I was done!!

3rdEyeMuse said...

what a wickedly wonderful contribution to the spooktacular Halloween party!

am looking forward to your 13 days of Halloween. :)

m i c h e l l e said...

Eeeek! You are TOO cute with that pink hair! Love all the pix, as always! :-)

Mescrap said...

This is so fantastic ! I enjoy a lot here !! said...

This decor is unreal! Just unreal!! And you are so lovely! your smile always makes me smile ;) I can't get enough!!! Love your many many days of Halloween! So much fun!! Cackle Cackle!!

Robyn said...

What a "devishly delightful" party you had! Thanks so much for a fun evening, please stop by mine for a nightcap, things are in full swing!

vivian said...

love those decorations. I like the pumpkin face in the bowl! and you look so cute in your costume!

Altered Route said...

Sorry so late to visit...I traveled Vanessa's list from the bottom up this time. I really have been enjoying your Days of Halloween...will be back!
Happy Halloween!

inge said...

Hello Kari,

I'm still visiting halloweenparties... I started at my own blog pinkepinke at the P and so went down the list. Now i'm heading up the list starting at my blog again and there are still loooots to visit.

As I visited the sweet and sinister blog this evening, I thought I first take a look at your blog also... So, I'm here now and probably I have to catch up already a few days from the 13 days before halloween... A lot to read again, so I'm off again to read and see some more !

greetings from Belgium

Ann-Denise Anderson said...

I love your party that is something to aspire too!

Stacy/Creativemuse said...

WOW this is just so wonderful! I adore all the Decorations and eye candy. I want one of those cute little cats! SO CUTE! Very fun Ideas! Thank you for sharing!