Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Off I go...

Joe and I head to nyc in the morning. We're celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary there. My parents will be with the kids while we're gone.
Photo from LavenderBakery.

I grabbed a few fun new books from the library for the plane ride. These are gorgeous!!

Also have the new Red Velvet kit for a mini book of our trip. Thanks, Rachel! Totally inspired by Teesha's journaling on the road.

Photo by Rachel Denbow.
I will be thinking of you all and promise to take TONS of pictures.
I won't be in blogland until next Monday. See ya then!


Lilli in Vancouver said...

Have a Fabulous time, Kari!

Anonymous said...

Kari, happy anniversary and have a great trip!

Unknown said...

Have a fabulous trip! Love the velvet book, had to have that one.

If you have time when you get back, please join the fun at my blog for the Santa challenge & giveaway.

Kindredly, Lynne Laura

*SHeRRy B* said...

Have a fun, safe, romantic trip!

Bonnie said...

Have a wonderful and happy 10year anniversary Kari! We just celebrated our 10th too!
Have a fantastic break and enjoy the rest!!

Anonymous said...

Lucky Mama!

Danielle Muller said...

hi there!

i didn't know you were coming to my neck of the woods!! hope you have loads of fun!!


Anonymous said...

I hope you have a fabulous trip. I hope you get a chance to go to Dylan's Candy Bar. Tell me that you got there and ate lots of yummy treats!!!!

Shell said...

Have a fab time in NYC!!!

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

Happy Anniversary! Have a great time. I just got that same Red Velvet kit.. can't wait to play with it :)

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a wonderful wedding anniversary! You will love the books and you really inspired me with this on-the-road-journaling! Have a great time!

gina g said...

Hello Kari, I just wanted to tell you that for some reason, I was looking for you the whole weekend at the Silver Bella. I knew you were not going but I had my eye peeled anyway. We met in Ashland and you may not even remember me but for some reason my thoughts were with you. Happy Anniversary and have a safe trip!!
~gina g

Flor Larios Art said...

I like your blog very much. First time here and I am a follower.
Have a wonderful time. Enjoy!

Super Fun Mama said...

I have an award for you over at my blog.