Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Feel the love...

We've really been enjoying the lovefest around here. Tea parties and school parties every day. Chloe set up the tablescape below for one of her impromtu gatherings. Lowell's room was so festive this morning, I wanted to share the kids wonderful creations.

The kids working hard on their Valentine's.

Lowell passing out his collaged Valentine hearts. Doesn't get much better than that!


Kathy said...

How sweet Kari! I love Chloe's "more is more" approach to decorating ; ) Thanks for sharing~~

Jeanette Carlstrom said...

You just have to love this time of the year. I enjoy reading your blog and always feel so motivated. I am an ART Teacher, teaching elementary school kids and always find new lessons in your art. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

holy cow! i love your blog!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have great memories of when my kids were this age. As a room mom for the class every holiday was a blast.

snowbear said...

Awww, they are so cute... I miss my kids' school parties and their enthusiasm for them. thanks for sharing Kari.

Saucy said...

Sometimes I think Valentines is really a holiday for children! Cutout heart Valentines are the best.

Sonya --Dime Store Thrift said...

Homemade valentines are THE BEST!

Anonymous said...

OHHH what a lovely post. Since homeschooling my son I realize how much I miss class parties and the like. Thanks so much for sharing. Too cute.

Linda Summerfield said...

Lowell has nicer handwriting than my 14 year old daughter!

Caryn Lynn said...

Hi Kari,
Your blog is colorful and inspiring! It is so sweet to see the children working on their lovely valentines. I'm off this morning to have fun creating valentine hearts with the kids I teach at a local preschool. Looking forward to meeting you at the art nest.

rainbow lisa said...

hi kari!

i just wanted to let you know that you won my chatterbox rak over at the kenner road blog site :)
