Monday, March 02, 2009

Back from the nest!!!

I have landed back home in my own nest, forever altered by the amazing generosity and creative spirit I just experienced at ArtNest. I am finding it hard to put into words, so I will begin with pictures. Kelly Rae captures in words what I cannot, with her take on the nest and many of my photos on her blog. As I unpack and gather my thoughts, I will add to this tapestry of friendship, support and creativity magnified by 30 amazing women! At the end of this post I have listed the blogs of many of the fabulous women I met in the mountains of Utah. I thought you would enjoy the variety and unique talents they have to share.
The setting was a cabin in the hills outside Heber, Utah. Gorgeous, chilly sunshine each and every day. What a view!
The amazing team of Julie Collings and Candice Elton (far left and far right), the nest "mothers" and our wonderfully talented teachers (left to right) Mati Rose, Jane Wynn and Kelly Rae.
This was our "nest" for three full days of art-making. Bliss!The first class was with Kelly Rae Roberts. She taught so many fun background techniques and walked through her process for face-making for those very reluctant drawers (like me!).Laurie G's gorgeous palette and painting in progress.The finished pieces were phenomenal. My two are on the bottom left. I painted my children standing together and another of myself watching over them.The second class was with Mati Rose McDonough. I love her style and was so excited to learn her tricks and techniques. She was wonderful!Karen's fabulous painting incorporated a small image of a girl from vintage wallpaper that I gave her. She celebrated her birthday with us at ArtNest!
Loved the nature theme to everyone's work.Here I was, giddy with delight to spend time with these talented and sweet ladies! The third day was with Jane Ann Wynn. The entire class was new ground for me, so I guess that's why I didn't take any photos, I was listening too intently to the instructions. I thoroughly enjoyed cutting metal pipe, soldering and using plexiglass and resin to make jewelry. I cannot wait to try this more! I will take a photo of my finished piece. Michelle has some photos from on her flickr page.

I wanted to share the blogs of a handfull of ladies that attended ArtNest for you to enjoy. If you were there and don't see your blog listed, please leave the url in the comments. I want to keep in touch!

Doesn't get much better than this!


beth said...

hey girlie !!! it was such a fantastic amazing beautiful time and sooo glad that i got to be roomies with you and get to know you better !!!!!
keep in touch !!! big hugs !!

Tam Hess said...

WOW! That looks like it was so much fun. I want to do something like that. ;) What energy and creative inspiration, not to mention having a good time with friends. Thanks so much for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kari, I hope you are getting some rest . I am so sorry about the late night all nighter concerts I guess it was in harmony too. You poor things... Hey what grand shots you got from the Nest. I miss you all already. Please keep in touch and also keep my undated on the progress on you son. What an amazing " MOMMY" you are I learned so much form you!!! hugs Julie

DeniseLynn said...

Wow! I have heard so much about his art nest over the past couple years. How does one go about getting invited to such a place??

snowbear said...

Kari thanks for sharing your experiences with us.. You all did a fabulous job on your artwork! I will check out all of those blogs... am so glad it was such a success!

Carmen said...

Wow, looks like a great time!!!

Anonymous said...

That looked like a ton of fun!
Please never be reluctant to draw. Even doodles can become something amazing!

Geralyn Gray said...

Thanks so much for sharing the fun with us. Even when we don't get to go to a great event like this---I love to see what everyone did. Looks like a great retreat or retweet!

Shell said...

From all these pictures full of beautiful art and happy face, I know you had a great time. All that good creative juice to rev you up for Spring.

Pretty Things said...

That red bird is wonderful!

I wish I were brave enough to do a workshop -- it looks like so much fun....

Deirdra Doan said...

Hi it was great to read your interview on Dawns blog. I was # 12 and you are #13. I am happy to find your fun arty blog.

Shopgirl said...

This was so much fun to see, it must have been a real blast...don't you love old slang!
Nothing like a retreat with people that share so much in common.
Hugs, Mary said...

going back to hospital
3/03 Mama has taken her radiation and is having her antibiotics.We are hoping the surgery will be Friday to remove the kidney.
They will cut her from her back to the front then down to her groin,remove her bottom rib then the kidney.
The Doctor says she will be down for 6 weeks and will have to take 7-10 meds for a while.
When we left tonight she was on pain meds and said if they keep taking stuff out of her there wasn't going to be enough left when she does pass and asked the doctor to save her rib for her and trying to eat a Krispy cream doughnut and drink Mountain Dew. Her spirits are good and said to tell her darlings hello.Were taking her art and some items y'all had sent some while ago to decorate the room so she has her favorite items around her while recouping. we will keep you updated.Thanks for prayers and thoughts and the treasure and trinkets that have arrived,She is waiting till after the surgery to open goodies sent to give her spirits a lift.
Now I wonted to say a few words about Mama,she has been a great lady who always took in other children off the street to help them ,always sacrificed her life to put us through collage and always wore hand-me-downs so we had the best clothes.Worked had in the garden to can food for us and aways had a smile on her face no matter how bad things got.SHE GAVE UP AND NEVER DATED AFTER HER DIVORCE, WITH NO CHILD SUPPORT TO GIVE ALL HER TIME AND DEVOTED TO US CHILDREN AND ALWAYS GAVE UNCONDITIONED LOVE TO US.
I hope her friends here will keep her in their thoughts till she returns home.

This is Dusty,one of Mama's daughters.She has had a really bad night with the pain,If any of her friends here would like to see a donation in a small creation of art , cards or money it would be greatly appreciated. Her hospital bills and meds are running high.Thank you for any thoughts.
It can be sent to
Jessie LaVon

Unknown said...

Welcome back! Great photos! Just popped in to say hello!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog...I wish to link you to my blog...

Maija said...

I'm so happy you had fun!! Some of my favorite girls in the world were there!!

Contessa Kris said...

The pictures are beautiful and I'm so jealous. It sounds like you had a wonderfully creative time! I love your painted pictures of the children and you.

Anonymous said...

What a fun post! It looks like a great time. I see Kelly Rae used many of your photos on her blog. : )
I enjoy living vi'cari'ously through blog pals who get to go to neat events like this.

britt said...

Yea! I miss you gals so much already!

Love, Britt Hermann

liz elayne lamoreux said...

it looks like you all had an incredible time! such beautiful creations!!!

Sonya --Dime Store Thrift said...

What a wonderful trip!! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Julie Collings said...

i can always count on you for the fabulous photos! i am trying to figure out why i didn't take more pictures....
when i need a bit of a reminder i pop on over for a little visit.
it was just over the top fabulous to have you at the nest with us. your beautiful blue easter egg is out where all can admire. the most thoughtful gift ever. thank you, julie-bluegirl