Our week "up north" was unseasonably cool, but we still fully enjoyed the time away, soaking up family time and lots of new experiences.

The first few days were sunny and clear.

There were campfires, and s'mores...of course.

Some of the marshmallows were as big as baby Hans' head!

It was such a delight to meet my new nephew. He is cute as can be!

My sister and I loved hanging out with our girls together.

There were some cool, cloudy days when we did lots of crafts.

We tromped through the woods looking for inspiration and supplies for our projects.

Took a trip into town for turtle races and ice cream.

Saw a family of loons from the cabin window.

The kids went fishing for the first time.
What a wonderful family vacation!

I was browsing the blogs of people from all around the world when I stumbled upon yours. I wanted to tell you that it made me smile.
you have such a beautiful family. It looks like your summer is turning out to be something quite special :)
here's wishing you many more sunny days to come!
God Bless
Oh what a wonderful family holiday. So many wonderful 'childhood memories' created for the little ones
nothing beats the love of a sister!! what a great family you have.
What a beautiful family & what a fun time it looks like you are having!:) chris
Kari it looks like all of you had the best time even if the weather might have been a little cool. Love the crafts you and the girls did. New nephew is adorable.
looks like it was wonderful! I cannot wait to meet everyone.
I love that marshmellow/head comparison photo, and that first photo could be a postcard!
SEE you soon - a week from today I will be there! yay!
Looks like you had a wonderful time. I love going up north. We're heading up to the North Shore next month! Let's get together soon!
It sounds perfect and relaxing!
What a great vacation!!! I can't wait until our kid(someday to be plural)'s old enough to enjoy these kinds of vacations thoroughly! :)
Aww what a sweet vacation! lots of memories and I can see another scrapbook coming from this trip! big hugs
Just beautiful photographs as always. They create such a lovely mood. They were well chosen. It looks as if the cousins will always treasure that holiday! xx
Looks like fun Kari and what a beautiful place to spend time with family.
What a beautiful family! How great that you could have this time together.
You and your sister both have daughters that look like THEY could be sisters!! Looks like it was a lovely time. I haven't been in Minnesota for an extended period of time since I moved down to Iowa. Hoping to make it back up before Christmas strikes, which seems to be the only time I can make it up there! You are very fortunate to be "up north" as we say... :-)
Sounds delightful!
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