I took an Artist's Date today and spent some time here. I ran the 3 mile drive that they have and then wanted to take in the gorgeous flowers, feel relaxed and inspired all by myself. Appreciating the hot colors of August on this humid, sunny day.

Remember the dhalia's in bloom last year? I hadn't ever seen any like these, they were as big as my head and completely breathtaking.
This helps you picture the size of these beauties. Oh yea, and that list. Better check on that!
The kitchen herb garden was a favorite.
The aroma was intoxicating.
What's inspiring you right now?
Kari I love cockscombs too... I like the ones that form a head.. they look like brains almost.. I think it's a great halloween flower!!! But i love the color combinations.. mostly red with some pink added... and they look like velvet... so awesome. I planted some, but they did not do well... I have the plume type also.. they did not get very tall either, but i had them mixed in amongst the petunias and i believe they grew too rapidly for the cockscombs to take hold before being overrun.
The sunrise color over the lake next to my house
Also my garden. I have two gardens, one at the back of my house whe we bbq on almost every sunny day and one a few miles away were we have our herb, fruits and vegtables( I this how I must write it?...)
I have also two blog because I want to stop with web-log.nl and go on with blogspot.com.
The old one is www.biebs.web-log.nl you have to translate it with google because it is only in Dutch...but I have a lot of pictures :))
And my new one is www.maksitaksi@blogspot.com it is in Dutch and in English..
Love your blog to, it's a nice one!
Lots of lovely greetings.
Great pics! Good shout out from ZBlogging for Bliss! I do love the colors on your blog and how itis set-up! :)
Oh! how lovely!!! what delightful inspiration!!! my current inspiration is being drawn from a bowl of vintage crystals in my studio...and the way the changing light reflects such glorious designs and colors!
What stunning flowers! Yes that cockscomb is wonderful...it looks like coral! Your new web site and header are just gorgeous...
Wow. Those pictures are so amazing, they don't even look real - and yet they look like they could jump right off the screen and into my lap. I'm inspired right now by my child finally taking a nap. Sad, I know. :)
That swiss chard....YUMMO!! It is my favorite!!
Gorgeous photos! Dahlias are one of my favorites too.
I think my kids creativity is inspiring me right now.
Those photos are absolutely beautiful!
gorgeous flowers and colors
Were you at the Arboretum?? Wouldn't it be weird if we were that close to eachother? Anyway beautiful pics...glorious color. Congrats on being featured in the Blogging for Bliss book. I love my copy:)
Awesome flower photos! I'm glad I found someone who appreciates why I take a gazillion of them myself.
The dahlia is amazing!!
Oh...and we did get a few sunflowers too.
These were really such a very hot august colors....They are all very lovely. Nice post!!!
Gorgeous! The dahlia's are amazing!
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