As Bethany says in her review
here, .."my thoughts on
Where The Wild Things Are tinkle in my head like a distant wind-chime. Hard to pin down exactly where the noises come from, but I do believe that’s part of the magic."

I wasn't absolutely crazy about the movie when I saw it, but I just can't seem to get it out of my head. First off, you've got to see this
heartwarming video about the actor Max Records, the 12 year old that carries the movie. He does an incredible job!
Bethany's review of the movie pretty much sums it up for me. There's
a lot there emotionally and it is absolutely beautiful.
edit: I also agree with a lot of what this review says, including ""[They] took this book about imagination and escape and turned it into an hour and a half of Muppet therapy," he said. "There were obvious themes of working on divorce pains, but Max was the king of all wild things, not a family therapist. The kid uses his imagination to work through all of his issues, but that's something that you do when you're 22 and in college, not something you do when you get in your boat and sail off to where the wild things are."
But, said reviewer Avant, someone Griffioen's age is probably a better audience for the film.
"It's definitely aimed at adults," Avant said. "I wouldn't necessarily call it a kid movie, but rather a movie about being a kid."

Couldn't resist a walk in the woods today, inspired by the lovely scenery seen throughout the show. Also because it warmed up to 50 degrees and the sun came out again.
YahOOOoooooooooooo...as Max would say!

Has anyone else seen it? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I haven't seen it yet but I must say your pictures are breathtaking.
Thank you.
Enjoy your Sunday
Cari B.
your pics are stunning!!!!! havent seen the movie yet ..probaly wait till it is out on dvd
Haven't seen it yet. Can't wait, though! DS and his GF are going to see it in an IMAX theater. Bet it will be even better than on the regular big screen. Love the pics you shared!
Thanks so much for the link to the review. I think I would have felt more prepared before I saw it this last weekend had I read it first. Not sure I would have brought my 7 year old in retrospect. She spent several scenes with her fingers in her ears anticipating something violent was going to happen. I ADORE the actor Max in the role and he plays that uncontrollable feeling so well. Maybe a little scary though for my young one. I walked away also a little overwhelmed but it has stayed with me too. I love that it is a frank look at the challenging elements of being a family. Since we are entering the teenage years with our oldest it felt like a good reminder. It isn't always a bowl of cherries but to stay and work it through is the best advice ever. . .
Hugs. . .
It was a favorite of mine when I was a child so I'm looking forward to seeing it. Do you think a 3 year old would like it? My 3 year old is afraid of nothing so I'm not worried about that-just if it will keep her interested.
We haven't taken the children yet because my mom said it was really dark. How do you think children will react to it? It looks gorgeous!
We saw the movie for a date night, without kids, and that seemed to be the right call. It was a brilliant piece of art, and we enjoyed it, but young ones might not appreciate it so much.
I was not so in love with the movie - the boy was good and the scenes were nice - but not what I thought of when I so loved the book - I took the 5 and 7 yr grand kids and would not do so now - not for those under maybe 9.- just too much depression and sadness for little kids- not a happy movie at all - more for adults or teens.
I'm glad I saw the movie, but it was melancholy. My 11 year old and 7 year old boys said they didn't like it because it was too sad. Seems like it leaves you thinking people aren't all good or all bad, and life is hard. Kind of felt like a sad dream, where you're not quite sure what happened but you wake up not feeling quite right. Wish I'd known more about it before we decided to go. Parents may want to see 1st before deciding whether the kids should see.
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