Wednesday, June 23, 2010

strawberry crush...

We're still wallowing in strawberries over here. Chloe and I made another trip to the patch because I used up my first haul on strawberry shortcake for work and friends and I made my first batch of strawberry freezer jam. I then combined the two and made strawberry shortcake biscuits and put jam on them. Yummy! I think strawberries are my first crush of summer, what's yours?


Tam. said...

I love strawberries too :) The season here is so short, I need it to be just a week or two longer....

snowbear said...

Since I no longer have a strawberry patch, I guess the first food of summer would be the rhubarb... but the feeling of summer returns to me most when the umbrella table and chairs are out and the pool is ready to go. Sitting with the ipod outside in the chaise lounge.

Alison Gibbs said...

Those strawberry shortcake biscuits look so, so yummy

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