Beautiful blue skies were back today after a weekend of heavy rain and storms. Last weeks stunning crabapple blooms are now but a memory with a carpet of pink blanketing the ground.

I have spent the last few weeks doing lots of yard work. I was thrilled to find the compost bin that we've had for the last 7 years and never touched, was full of rich organic compost just perfect for all the planting I was preparing to do.

My first spring yard project was clearing the entire top of this retaining wall that goes the entire length of our backyard. It had some flowers that were transplanted to another bed, but mostly it was cleared, amended with compost and mulched to make way for all the veggies now planted there: cucumber, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, herbs, and peas. You can see in the background the new fence that my husband is building and clearing of the shade garden we have behind it.

Strawberries were planted in a basket and clematis transferred to the arbor now the entrance to our other garden that has sunflowers, tomatoes, acorn squash and mini ornamental pumpkins.

The succession of beautiful blooms is showcasing lilacs and their delightful smell fills the air.

Other blooms around the yard in pots and newly planted in beds that used to be weed filled.

The darling and fragrant lilly of the valley hides in the shadows of the lilacs along our fence.

This weekend we had a visitor, a mother wood duck and her brood of nine babies. What a treat!

Our resident garter snake. I never have found more (fingers crossed) and he doesn't cause any trouble. We'll see what Bodhi does when he sees him. Hope you enjoyed a walk around our yard.
Oh, your little wood ducks are precious!!! Gorgeous blossoms!
Oh, if only spring blossoms would linger just a little bit longer...but I guess their brevity is part of what makes them special. The wood ducklings are darling. If we had those in our yard I don't think the girls would ever want to come inside.
What a pleasant tour! Your yard is an inspiration! This will be our second summer in this house, and this year we are going to make our yard presentable!
Your yard is awesome... not too thrilled with your resident however... I have been trying to plant.. weather hasn't been very cooperative... i manage a bit nearly everyday though.
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