Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It's tea time!!!!

Welcome to my Spring Fling Tea Party!! I am so very excited to share a spot of tea with all of you, my blogging friends. There will be participants from all around the world. I know that some parties are already underway. The key to having this all run smoothly is when you leave a comment on this post, please include your name, your blog url and where you live. I will be keeping up throughout the day and will post links to those participating in the tea party (meaning you have a tea related post for today and a link here) so that you can all visit with everyone.

So, back to the party…as you can see from the ladies above, the first guests arrived in style. The house is overflowing with flowers of every color. I’m so glad you could make it! Please come in, and make yourself comfortable. If you’d like to take a look around first, visit my flickr site here for pictures of all the wonderful spring swaps that I have received that now adorn my home. They are all just lovely! Then sit down for a bit of tea and some treats. I have lots of goodies:) I have freshly steeped tea in every flavor imaginable and an array of cups and saucers. Please, don’t be shy, introduce yourselves to one another. Feel free to post on the comments about yourself. I’m off to mingle with all the others that have made it. Enjoy! Here is a list of the parties in progress all around the world. Go check them out....there are some amazing parties going on!

Lilli began her tea party days ago at a lovely tea shop in Vancouver. She added another stunning array here.

There is quite the party going on over at Lilly Cottage. Look at the gorgeous collages that they made!

Look at the *unbelieveable* table setting's that Lidy's and oh so adorable Claudette are having quite the time.

Go check out Tricia has an old friend over for tea!

Check out Mary's got every kind of tea you can imagine!

Check out Patsy's amazing tables at this festive tea party.

Vickie shared a delightful invitation for more people to come on over.

Natasha has been waiting all day over in Australia. Sorry girl!! Boy what a tea party she is having. Gorgeous!!

Fiona is here from Scotland. So glad you could make it:)

In South Africa, Bonnie has some outrageously delicious cakes, teas and beautiful collages to celebrate the day.

Look at the tea cosies that Maria shared. Fabulous!

Cecilia from Sweden is out on the balcony enjoying the view.

Laume has some tea trivia for you to ponder.

Gail has a beautiful set-up to welcome spring right here in Minnesota!

Another Minnesota girl, and new ArtsyMama blog reader, Allie is here. Waving hello to you "neighbor"

Darla has a wonderful photo of her grandmother's gorgeous teapot. Welcome!

Shabby in the City is having a grand party in her backyard in Kentucky. Looks like spring to me:)

Visit Susan for some fun tea quotes and look at that "tea-shirt"! Looks cozy. The day is over in Australia. Hope she'll join us in the morning.

Joan in Italy's tea party is going strong. How beautiful!

Dawn over in Ohio has a charming party with picturs of Victorian fashion.

Another Dawn, in western NY, is sipping lemon tea in an adorable little cup. Go say hello!

Lori showcases some of her *gorgeous* vintage china. Wow!

Sarah Louise discusses who she'd like to have tea with. What about you...who would be your choice?

Cheryl shows off some wonderful tea goodies, of course pine inspired!

Carol of Boxwood Cottage in Germany, shows us some tea time treasures. My eyes are delighted!!

You must check out Mary's tea party set-up. It looks straight out of a magazine spread. And those cupcakes...yuuummmmy!!!

Come visit Karla for a little tea etiquette. I'm certainly not holding my cup correctly. Oops!

Patty Van Dorin shows us a sweet treasure of a teapot!

Dear Violette, my new French swapping pal, shows us her stunning party with a pink and green theme.

Dawn sure has an "oh so pretty" invitation for us all. Love it!

Gudrun has a very inspiring tea party in her garden for us..all the way from Norway! Absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks for all the Norwegian info. Love hearing about where everyone lives.

Vicki's tea party favors are divine. Total eye candy!!!

Nuttula is here with some gorgeous tea pictures.

Oh look!!! There's Lesley Riley straight from her trip Down Under where she picked up some tea to share.

Dede has a fun mad hatter party goin' on.

Heather has some gorgeous vintage-inspired goodies!

A big hi to Bonnie from just down the road. Thanks for dropping in!

Tammy has some lovely tea stories to tell.

Jeanne is sipping tea and looking out at the rain. Lets go brighten up her day:) Wow, doesn't her home look delightful.

Tricia Scott has some wonderful tea party goodies and her dear daughter, Olivia is serving tea. They made a pinky promise to do this each spring. What a fabulous idea, I think I will promise to do that as well!

"Norah"....so glad you could make it. Wouldn't be the same without you! Thanks for showing us your collection.

Oh wow...look at Jennifer's "Sis Boom" creation! So fun!!

SoInspired is here with a fabulous tea set and her grandmothers fabulous vintage tablecloth.

Wendy has a tea party over at her POPIN boutique. Great fun!

Guenievre is here from Belgium. Oh my, look at the color of those tea leaves. Fantastic!

Ok, Susan those are the most *gorgeous* cupcakes I've ever seen. Yum! Yum!

Take a look at Amy's delightful party with her wee one and her crafty treasures.

Laurie, another fellow Minnesotan, just had a delightful tea party with her daughter as well. Love her hat. How fun!

Feelin' the afternoon munches? Debbie has cucumber sandwiches and cookies!

Sarah had a cup of afternoon tea with her children. Why don't you join her in England?

LaTeaDah is sharing some great tea treasures from her shopping trips.

How about a tea party on the patio in Florida? Sounds like a great time to me!

Kyra is here too. Yet another Minnesota mama! Looks like her and her kids are having a grand time:)

Heidi is having a grand time with her tea and other sweet treats.

Heather is hoping all these wonderful spring parties will help the snow melt. Me too!

Ms. Shoezycakes you're not late...just in time. Join in the fun!

Georgeanne has some wonderful bunny tea accessories.

Saffron is on the west coast and there's plenty of time for afternoon tea. Looking pretty springy!

Take a peek at Sharon's amazing country cottage. Take your tea and enjoy the tour!

Sue has some chi tea (yummy!) and other treats.

Jessie has a cool front porch sale along with her tea party.

Lovely Lauren has put together a gorgeous tea party outdoors with the girls. Her decorating always blows me away. Gorgeous!

Nerissa shared some lovely pics of a tea party for her sister.

The one and only Gypsy Purple has arrived stylishly with some gorgeous summer tea pics.

Love that people are still trailing in at the end of the day. Michelle has arrived.

Sonia knows how to have a nice, relaxing end to a fabulous day...tea and a magazine.

A few people joined us late into the night. Why not?! The ParTea Planner had a **marvelous** spread and super cute kids to join in the fun!!

Regina has the most adorable hat!!

Another Minnesota "neighbor" and dear friend, Ginger, joined for a bedtime tea.

Susan is even continuing her party through the night Down Under.

Can't think of a better person to close down the party (at 3 am!) than Jenny "Everyday is a Holiday". So glad you could make it!

Before you leave, don’t forget to join me in creating this adorable spring craft.

All you need is some chenille stems in a spring color of your choice and a Styrofoam egg to shape the baskets. Fold four stems in half and twist them together at midpoint to create a star shape with 8 spokes. Add a ninth spoke by hooking the end of another stem in the stars center.

Trim the ends so that all the spokes are the same length. Space spokes evenly apart. Hook the end of yet another stem to a stem near the stars center. This will be the stem you start weaving with. Place the chenille stem “star” onto the Styrofoam egg (and you can pin it to the bottom, or just hold it).

Curl spokes upward onto the egg to form a cup shape. Begin weaving stem over and under each of the spokes.

When you reach the stems end, wire another stem to its end and continue weaving. Repeat until the basket is as large as you would like.

Then trim and fold over the ends of the stems into the basket to secure. To make the handle: twist 2 stems together, and hook onto lip of basket.

To make a base to have the basket sit upright instead of tilting, make a circle out of a chenille stem and glue it to the bottom of the basket.

This project is taken from the April issue of Martha Stewart Living magazine. This issue has some truly egg-ceptional crafts in it (hehe.) Thank you so much for coming. Be sure to check back as the list will continue to grow throughout the day and night. New guests will be added to the bottom of the list.

The sun is setting here in Minnesota, but the tea parties are still in full swing! So glad you're all enjoying yourselves. This has been an incredible day! If I could wear any dress for evening tea, this would surely be it. Gorgeous! Come join me for a few more cups of tea before we say goodnight.Happy Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello Kari!! Happy spring!!
I just had to take a peak at your blog tonight and boy is it ever pretty. Oh my, your blog is so beautiful and so amazing. I will email you my tea party contribution as I do not have a blog (I'm in Minnesota).
Your stamping friend...Tami! Have a lovely tea party Artsy Mama!! You are so talented and so sweet. I love your spring project too! I just told my sister Samantha about you tonight and she lives in NH. She loved your blog just like me. I can't wait to see you again. Have fun at Artfest you lucky ARTSY MAMA!! I'm so glad Bonnie Rose told me about you!! I look forward to reading both of your blogs when I can. Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog, either, but I wanted to thank you for sharing your tea party and all the lovely photos! What a clever and fun idea! And I enjoyed the adorable basket tutorial, as well! Thank you!

Patsy Terrell said...

I'll play! I love tea. I'm getting ready to go to tea this weekend and just posted some photos from last year's tablesettings.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Kari, I just couldn't wait to come. Thanks so much for inviting all of us.

The tea is really good, nothing like a great cup of tea. And the yummy goodies you have arranged for us, it's hard to choose just one, they all look so wonderful.

I am so new to blogging that I am really enjoying meeting all these wonderful new friends. Every one is so nice and fun to be with.

Please visit me for a little tea and company. I live in California, and sell antiques. As a little girl in Europe nothing thrilled me as much as being in the attic of my grandparent's stately home, looking for treasure!

Thanks again for the sweet invitation! Lidy

Anonymous said...

Your tea party is as lovely as I had anticipated. The goodies are eye candy to the max.
I have posted my contribution to the celebration with photos from a Japanese tea ceremony I attended last fall in Japan.
I live in Roseburg, Oregon and enjoy reading your blog. Please come visit me at: http://pammc.typepad.com/my_christmas_journal/

tricia stirling said...

oh HOW lovely. i feel a bit underdressed! i invited a childhood friend over for tea at my blog: triciastirling.blogspot.com. we'd love it if you could come too! i live in california.
thank you for this. what fun.

longnecklady said...

Thank you Kari! You did a way better job of explaining the craft than Martha did. I wanted to make it, then it didn't make sense to me. Thank goodness for you!


Mary said...

Happy Spring Kari! I've just posted my contribution to your tea party. The date says Tues. (think Blogger is confused since we changed the clocks) but it's actually Wed. 1:30 a.m. here and I can't stay up any longer! Hope having so many guests don't cause meltdown for you........great idea and looking forward to seeing who participates and reading their tea blogs.

Anonymous said...

Well, I had to stop in early. Everything looks so delightful and welcoming. It would be hard to choose, so excuse me if I forget my diet this once. I hope you'll stop in Montana. I would be thrilled to me some new people. www.whispersofinspiration.blogspot.com. Here's wishing everyone a delightful time!!!

Natasha Burns said...

Hi Kari,
Thank you for organising this lovely Tea Party! I have been waiting for hours for it to start, it's now 5pm here in Melbourne, Australia! Please feel free to drop in and have some of my faux sweet treats, guilt free pretty cakes, cupcakes and slices while perusing the artwork, paintings of teacups with roses and cupcakes! Can't wait to go to stop by everywhere for some tea! Thanks again, Natasha xo


Fiona said...

I'm so looking forward to this te party. It may only be breakfast time here but when I get back from work I will put on my best dress, boil the kettle and sit down for a natter.

Happy spring equinox everyone. Just think, the evenings get ligther form here on in!

Bonnie said...

Hi Kari!!!! Happy spring/tea party/one world one heart giveaway day!!! ;whew so much happening today!! EVERYTHING looks fantastic!! Oh my word...you went to so much trouble for all of us..I am honored! I tried one of the fruit tarts-delish!! And I promise I will be back later for one of those yummy poppy-seed(?) muffins!! Thank you for doing this-I am having so much fun already. Please stop by my blog-posted a wide array of goodies...brought some stuff to help you out...even the queen can't enough tea things to feed/quench all these tea drinkers stopping by your blog today!! My post is up!

*bonnie skips happily away*

Anonymous said...

Hello Kari!
My name is Marie and I'm from Brussels (Belgium).
Thank you so much for organising this lovely Tea Party. I'm very glad to participate in it.
Please come and visit me at http://mariebruxelles2.canalblog.com
Have a wonderful day!

Cessan said...

Hi Kari!
I'm Cecilia all the way from Sweden.
I've been looking forward to this day and telling friends that I'm going to a tea party in Minnesota. They have just been looking strangely at me when ever I said it... :-)
I love your goodies and those muffins with Eater eggs on top! I think I'll have me one of those! Hi hi, this is so much fun!
Happy Spring party!

serendipity said...

Ciao Kari,
Thanx for the invitation. Well Here in Italy it's 9.43am CET and I've got the boiler man in giving it its annual check-up, so I suppose you could say it's having a spring clean.
I'll post to my blog later as I've forgotten how to download photos !!!!! what a dummy !!!!!!!!
Off to have my 3rd cup of cha ...the english way with milk and sugar.
wishing everyone a wonderful tea-party wherever you are in the world and I look forward to visiting various blogs during the course of the day.
crafty joan in italy

Anonymous said...

Yess it's 21 march and finally spring.
The sun is showing his face but there is rain and snow too.
I'am of to work but this afternoon I'll be back to join.
Your blog is so beautiful, so full of spring.
And the little basket is so lovely.
I don't have a blog but I mail some pictures of my tea time later this day.
Have a wonderful tea party.

Matroskin said...

Oh dear, I seem to be bit late. My husband is ill with a spring flu (how selfish of him!!) and everything is in chaos. I live in Helsinki, Finland, and believe me, I look exactly like the ladies in first picture. I'm a housewife and whenever I venture out with perambulator and baby, I always wear white gloves, heels and a pill box hat (haa haa, woollen cap and Doc Martens, more likely). I drink huge amounts of tea daily. My favourites at the moment are Twinings Vanilla Tea and French rose tea with real rose petals. The tea table looks wonderful.

Laume said...

This is such a lovely idea! Thank you for the invitation. I've already stopped by for a quick look at things even though I haven't actually gone to bed yet. However, I have added a tea post on my blog for all you early risers, or those east of me on the globe. Please stop by at http://beachtreasure.blogspot.com

I'm off to bed now but I'm hoping to post even more about tea tomorrow, as well as stop back here to visit with all the other guests.

Papoosue said...

Hi there and Happy Springtime! We have a lovely sunny day here in Scotland (although very cold!) and the daffodils are all coming up now and the birds are chirping in the trees! Have a lovely day - everything looks lovely in the tea party and I love your project! Thanks for the tea!

xxxxx said...

Have fun ladies!!! Drink that tea, eat those treats and "chew the fat" to your heart's content, as they say, meaning "chat" :-) I'm working on a deadline and can't join you, but thought I'd drop a quick line to say I'm thinking of you! Have fun!

the tattered nest said...

THANK YOU! for being such a gracious hostess...what a great idea! I would love to join your tea! Please visit me at my tea party...thetatterednest.blogspot.com I am from Minnesota and so happy it is the first day of Spring! take care,Gail

Francesca said...

I love this idea of the tea party!!!
And what a great artist you are, love the stuff on your blog!

Francesca in Italy

Jenni said...

I hope you don't mind that I popped in for a quick cup of tea! I am busy with kids homework and projects all day and wish I could have had such a beautiful table as you have, it is fab! This is such a lovely idea, I am sure you will have lots of visitors popping in and out all day, I have already been to Bonnie's, love to visit a few more. Enjoy your tea day!

Anonymous said...

Kari - it's amazing! Your spread looks so wonderful. Thank you for such a great idea.

Allie from Minneapolis, MN

Darla said...

Thanks for inviting me to tea. Your table setting is wonderful and I can't wait to try making one of the baskets. Can't wait to meet the other guests.

I usually drink my tea in Northern California, sometimes by the Bay and sometimes in the Mountains.


Anonymous said...

Spring can officially begin now that the tea party is in full swing. The house and Spring lovelies are the perfect backdrop for all these happy tea party guests. Thank you for hosting such a fun day. Carol

catsmum said...

okay I put a photo and some of my favourite tea quotes on my Blog but the teapartying will have to continue tomorrow cos it's nearly midnight.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Hello Kari, you look nice! Oh and the house looks amazing and it smells soooo good too. Please come to Kentucky and we'll sit outside and visit....well my backyard is in Tennessee so we might just sit on the border and see if some deer and wild turkeys wander by :)

Bonnie said...

I forgot to say I am from South Africa and my blog is:
come join me for a cup of tea!

Anonymous said...

Your photos are so pretty. I am very excited about your tea party and the baskets are to die for. I can't wait to make one. I hope you like my post....
Thanks, Lori (Fayetteville, AR)


Dawn said...

Hey Kari! I am celebrating spring with you over to my place.
Yummy stuff you have here!

Dawn said...

oops...forgot to mention that I am from western NY state!!

Anonymous said...

Kari, popping in to join the fun! Dawn at www.artistreborne.typepad.com Oh, and I am in OH-io!

serendipity said...

Hi Kari,
just an update and new photos that I've also left on my blog too, thanx for a wonderful morning of sharing and making new friends.
I've also been pushed into getting out all my old china and linen and decided it's time they rightfully went on display and used again.
Did you know that tea tastes its best in bone china
hugs joan
ps how many people will be dieting tomorrow after all those cup cakes that will be eaten!!!!! LOL

Sarah Louise said...


Thanks for the invite! I've got a tea post up at Pink Sneakers N'at. (It's Pittsburghese for "and that" and is sometimes abbreviated n@)

I'm still working on your spring craft but will be mailing it by Saturday the latest.

Cheers from Pittsburgh, PA,


Cheryl Connell said...


Thanks for having us all! This is a great idea and your pics and craft is great! Perfect for the first day of spring! I am in Ontario, Canada and the sun is out and hopefully melting some of this snow!

My address is fromthepines.blogspot.com.


Unknown said...

I'm going to have to stop by the craft store and buy some chenille stems after work today. CUTE!!! Thanks for letting me come to your tea party. Ann

Boxwood Cottage said...

Happy Spring back to you dear Kari! ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~

What a great idea and a lovely party! So nice to meet y'all! :D Please come over to my blog as well and have a tea, some sandwiches and read my tea related post. Kari I love your rose tea pot it's so beautiful that I want it lol Oh and all those treats are so yummy, thanks you! :D

Hugs Carol from Bremen in Germany www.Carolsgarden.blogspot.com

Cape Cod Washashore said...

What a fun idea and a fun post! I see your name all over blogland, but I believe this is my first visit! (Shame on me! Your blog is awesome!) Well, I don't have a photo of a teacup today, but I do have a party post, as it is my grandmother-in-law's 97th birthday today! (And I also have a giveaway going on... so I am in a party mood over at my place.) I will be back often! =)

Merci-Notes said...

Hello Kari! Your Tea Party Is WONDERFUL. Such delectable treats and so artfully arranged! I am very excited to be here!
And in advance~ KARI, THANK YOU!
With Kindness,

Sugar Bear said...

Hello Kari! Thank you for inviting all of us to your wonderful tea party. The tea is absolutely delicious and these pastries are simply divine! Please stop by my blog as well where I offer a lesson on the proper way to hold a tea cup and saucer. Thank you for your hospitality! -Karla

Anonymous said...

Such tempting tea cakes and goodies, just perfect with a cup of tea. I pulled out my favorite tiny tea pot for the occasion.
Thanks for hosting the tea party.
Patty in San Antonio

Anonymous said...

Hi Kari !! It is great ! you have been doing a great job here, and I am so happy to participate.
It took me a while today, my internet was off all morning. But here I am, happy to meet everyone and go through all the wonderful blogs !
Thank you so much !
Violette (From France)

Anonymous said...

I'm here for the tea party all the way from North Carolina! Thanks for the invitation.


gudrun said...

Hi Kari!
I have prepared for teaparty in my garden.
I would love you to pop by. ;)
I really love all the treat you have made for us here at your place as well.
This is SO fun!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the lovely idea. As a new blogger, sometimes I feel like I am out there all alone, just writing for myself. This makes me feel like part of the party! I'd love to have some visitors today and share with them. I have a fairy nesting in a tea cup and all the good dishes out for company!

Vicki Chrisman said...

Oh Kari, everything is just beautiful! What a wonderful idea! Thankyou for doing this!

Vicki Chrisman

Please come vistit my blog at

I'm from Nebraska

Nuttula said...

Thanks for organizing this lovely tea party! I love the idea!

Lesley Riley said...

Kari - I bought some yummy teas in Sydney, Australia, at a lovely store devoted to tea - T2. Stop by for a cup and read all about my time Down Under with Nina Bagley. for a cup! Happy Spring

Tammy Gilley said...

Welcome Spring, and a Happy Spring Fling Tea Party to all of you. Do pop by my little cottage for a spot of tea and a crumpet. I'm Tammy, I live in the Pacific Northwest, and my blog is here: http://tammygilley.blogspot.com/

Happy Spring, all!

Jeanne said...

Oh Kari, this idea of your is so wonderful! Thanks so much for dreaming it up! I am here watching the rain come down here in Illinois so your party is definitely brightening my day. I am enjoying everyone's posts. . .it's just great!
Here's my link. . .

Tricia said...

happy spring, kari! we are so happy to be sharing tea with you today. http://www.artsymama.blogspot.com/

Tricia said...

ooops! wrong link. i still had yours saved from when i added a link to your blog from my post...here is the correct one:

Bonita Rose said...

so happy to be here with you today.. and your pics and your blog are always so so fabulous!
My blog url:

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

Hello Kari!! Thank you so much for inviting all of us to tea!! Your house looks just gorgeous with those pretty flowers and your decorations are fabulous!

I am enjoying my tea here in Pennsylvania (USA) and I can't wait to go visiting! I just love parties!!

Heather :)


Anonymous said...

Good morning Kari! Happy spring to you. I had to stop in early to take a peek, but I'm going to play more a bit later. It all looks so pretty and so fun.

Thanks for all your sweet, hard work! Back later for more!


Peg-woolinmysoup said...

I'll be there in spirit for tea today! I just found your blog, so when I have a minute I will read through. In the meantime, let's enjoy a nice 'cuppa'!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, again, Kari! I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed looking from site to site today at your teaparty. I have a whole list of new favorites to keep an eye on, and hope that some of my new party pals will visit me too.

serendipity said...

An idea that has just popped into my head...........wouldn't it be nice if all of us who have participated in today's tea party, instead of sending a thank you card, how about if we all send ARTSYMAMA a teabag.
Sorry to post here but at least I know people will read here rather than a few on my blog.
crafty joan in italy

Dede Warren said...

good morning ladies,

forgive my tardy arrival. prep work for these get togethers had me up a bit latter than ususal.

everything looks devine at your place. thanks for the invite!

Dede Warren said...



is the place to see me


Sharon Tomlinson said...

Good Morning,
I didn't think I would be able to come. But you all were having too much fun so I cleared my schedule and here i am.
I like mine with lemon.

Nura Keif said...

You are amazing...wish i can be there to have a tea party with you for real!! Drool at the photos hehe:-D


Thanks for the invitation. You are cordially invited to mine. soinspired.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...


Your house looks beautiful and the tea and cakes are divine. Took me awhile to find my white gloves and my pretty spring hat to wear to your party; so, please forgive my tardiness!

The little nest cupcakes are quite tasty, is that a German chocolate cake recipe?

Oh, and I am so happy that you gave a tutorial on those Martha Stewart baskets. I received my Living in the mail the other day, and I purchased the chenille pipe cleaners, but the directions were not quite clear. You are a gem!

I'll send you some pictures of my lovely flowers blooming this 1st day of spring in Roswell, New Mexico. It's a beautiful warm day out with birds singing and a nice cup of Earl Grey tea with cream and sugar.

Thank you for such a lovely party.

Yours truly, Julie G. Baxley

Anonymous said...

What a great hostess you are!!!!! Beautiful! I didn't have time to do a tea party as we are having the big spring fling giveaway going on today......But I thought I would at least stop by and say HI!

POPIN Sisters said...

Hey Kari- thanks for hosting a great celebration! We had a great time at our tea party. I posted pics on my company blog (you know me from my personal blog: updycrafts.blogspot.com). Wish I could visit you at Artfest, maybe next year. Have a great rest of the day!

Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Guenièvre and I come from Ath, Belgium. I'm very happy to participate in ArtyMama's International Tea Party.
You can visit my blog and see what kind of tea I like.
Have a nice "tea day".

Susan Tuttle said...

Hi Kari,
Nice to meet you! I love your blog and your Spring Fling Tea Party is just the best idea!

I couldn't pass up taking part in your wonderful event!

My name is Susan Tuttle and I live in Bowdoinham, Maine.

Come over to my blog, and see what treats we brought!


Susan Tuttle said...

Oops, I forgot my URL:


turningwheelfarm said...

Thanks for hosting the tea party! I almost forgot. But we got things going this morning. Those muffins or cupcakes with eggs on them look delicious!

Battle Ground, WA

Unknown said...

Hi Kari, Thanks for inviting me to the party! Just got done having tea with my daughter and posted it on my blog. We had a blast and it looks like everyone else did too. Here's my blog:http://happy-as-a-lark-designs.blogspot.com/
Happy Spring! :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely party! Thank you Kari, this is so much fun! Please come over to my flickr site, I don't have a blog. We have cucumber sandwiches and cookies!!


Anonymous said...

Fun stuff here on your blog! I am going to go tea party hopping, thanks to you. I wish I would have known earlier and i would've participated too, but alas, I am just a visitor this time! ;)

Little House By The Sea said...

Thanks for the invitation. We had Tea this evening when the children had returned home from school. Love your Blog.
sarah in England


La Tea Dah said...

Happy Spring! You are invited to Gracious Hospitality for a cuppa chamomile and lavender tea. I've joined the tea party and am honored to be able to link to your virtual tea. You can visit my tea party in progress at:


See you there!

Anonymous said...

We are carrying on! It is iced tea, here in Florida, served on the patio.
Join us at

Monica said...

Hi Kari!
What a great party!! Everything looks fantastic!
Here is my link

MNScrapbookmom said...

Kari, My kids and I are enjoying some "afternoon tea" together. Please stop by for a choice of goodies that my children picked out to share. :) Happy Spring !!!

Anonymous said...

I guess I play the party pooper here. The one who forgot about it and came too late! Too swamped to participate, but it looks like you're all having a great time!:)

Heidi said...

My cup of tea is being poured at my site now...

My blog is: Everyday Cookies at Sweet Woodruff Acres (http://journals.aol.com/hwoodred/everyday-cookies/)

I live in Coos Bay, Oregon! And, to top it off we're having a sunny day! Cheers!

Laume said...

I am just having TOO MUCH FUN at this lovely tea party.

Like I promised, I went back and added a Part 2 to my Tea Party post. Not that anyone will have time to go back a second time today if you've already come for a visit. Whew! I hope no one is planning on going home soon, it will take me days - maybe weeks! - to say hello to everyone. But eventually, please stop back to see the fun litle vignettes added of my tea pot collection.

Heather - Speckled Egg said...

Hi Kari!
What a great idea!!! It has been so much fun to join this party and visit all of these great new blogs!

It is really cold here in New England and there's still snow on the ground, so this has been a great way to welcome Spring!

:) Heather

FrostingsNSparkles said...

Happy Spring!! I just put on the kettle, so I am a bit late. Your party looks so lovely and inviting!! This was such a great idea, and I can't wait to check out the other parties!!

Unknown said...

Late for tea but I am with you all in spirit even have my minature cup up on the site just for you....I wanted to get to you sooner but things didn't work out the way I planned..lots of love, Jennfer

G said...

What a wonderful idea! Everything looks lovely!

We're enjoying our tea while watching the weather change from snow to rain to sun and back again. We live in the mountains of Southern California.

Anonymous said...

Kari - looks like you had a wonderful time having cyber tea parties, great get together! My email isn't working so I had to reach you here - wanted to tell you to watch Larry King Live tonight on CNN. His guest is Toni Braxton.

saffron said...

Your party is simply fabulous! What a gorgeous spread you have. I've enjoyed looking around (I've still got some traveling to do to see all the attendees) I'm enjoying my tea here on the west coast a little late for you all back east. But better late than never (I hope!)
It was a lot of fun and thank you so much!
-saffron in california

Lynn said...

Hi Kari, It sure looks like Spring has Sprung!
Thank you so much for getting this wonderful Tea Party underway! It is just fabulous! I love your wonderful china that you put out for us and all the treats looks scrumptous.
Your spring project is just lovely. I might have to make one with my neice when I get to Las Vegas in 8 days! Very cute and she will love it.
I know that it is late but life was happening all day here. Just getting on for the first time today. So now I will try to get to my blog before the kids come running in. I hope everyone enjoys their first day of spring.

Sharon said...

What a wonderful idea and I can so enjoy all the lovely deserts you have. I just moved from Fl. to Ohio to be near family. I just decorated and finished my country cottage...Amelia Rose Cottage.....I have a slide show I would like to share with you and I do mention tea in the slide show.

jessielavon@yahoo.com said...

just passing threw datling,come on over to the porch sale

jessielavon@yahoo.com said...

would a tea party painting count?

longnecklady said...

Hey everyone! I've joined the tea party.

Come check out what we had today!

Happy spring!


Anonymous said...

Hello Kari! I just had to join in, blog or no blog! I threw together a tea for my girl and her friends and posted the photos over at flickr


We poured our tea precisely at 5:07--right when spring started today. Thanks for the inspiration--the girls are still out there enjoying the late afternoon tea.

Maggie Lamarre said...

Hi Kari:
Happy Spring. Will pariticpate in the tea partyas well.
My name is Maggie Lamarre
Username mlamarredesigns
Blog is mhpoinix.blgospot.com

Anonymous said...

Hi Kari-
I just sent you some tea cards via email as I do not have a blog. Hi everyone and Happy Spring!!

Kari is an amazing woman. I too live in MN and what a great idea to have this virtual tea party. I can not wait to "meet" all of you and read your blogs as time permits. Looking forward to seeing you Kari after you return from Artfest. Thanks a million for hostessing this beautiful spring tea party. I'm really new at the whole vintage thing and I just love it ALL! A BIG thanks to all you amazing artists and kind women from all over the world that post your beautiful work, finds and photos. I really enjoy everything I've read and seen (such beautiful eye candy) and I'm also loving the new Christine Adolph Tea Time collection by Creative Imaginations. It is so beautiful the paper and stickers. So long for now.

Tami :)

Birds of a Feather said...

thanks for the invite - i'm coming in a bit late - just getting home (9:30pm!) sorry no tea available on my blog, but i thought i'd stop by to see all the fun you had today. everything looks beautiful and delicious!
xo, heidi

jessielavon@yahoo.com said...


Nerissa Alford said...

Hi Kari
It's really late here for tea (10:25PM) but I made it. My tea is posted. Thanks for hosting this. I really enjoyed your entry today and will have fun looking at everyone elses.
PS: One lump or two?

Anonymous said...

Hi again. I just wanted to thank you for a lovely time. I've met so many new people and saw so many new sites today. I'm absolutely exhausted from all the parties and plan on collapsing in bed soon. Maybe sometime we all can get together for a potluck or? Anyway, goodnight and sweetdreams.

Gypsy Purple said...

What a lovely party...I`ve posted my Mom`s 50th birthday celebration held in our lapa.....although winter is approaching here in South Africa, I can`t resist a summer tea!!!

Michelle Johnson said...

Sorry I am so late...Thanks for hosting the tea party! We are having one ourselves at http://www.craftedby.us. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Kari, I just wanted to say, BRAVO! You did such a great job putting this tea part together. It was so fun and so amazing to see people's parties from all over the world. Thank you Kari. Also, your spread was so beautiful, the tea pot, tea cups, linens, and that incredibly yummy looking food. Great job Kari!!!

allie from minneapolis

Sonia said...

I am joining in your teaparty!! I love your teapot ArtsyMama. Thank you so much for the invite. Your table looks delicious.

MyMosaicMind said...

What a lovely way to end the day! I'm joining the tea party late, but I'm glad to invite you over to my place in Minnesota for a spot of tea before bed.

I also finished my Inspiration pages for the Cabinet of Curiosities challange that I'm slowly finishing. See, I do everything late! (hee hee)


Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

I am sad I missed out on the tea party. I loved seeing yours though and visiting the others, what a wonderful idea. Your treats look sooo delicious!
I am thrilled with your turn out.

I am sooooo looking forward to meeting you NEXT WEEK!!! Yay ArtFest!!

The ParTea Planner said...

Here is our Spring Fling Tea Party. We had such a great time, and it was my first official tea party with my two year old daughter. Thank you for the inspiration!
Risa (The ParTea Planner) from Orange County, CA

oldflowers4me said...

just a little note, wow your tea party looks like fun, ive just made a coffee to have with you all.

catsmum said...

hi Kari
just popping back to tell you that the party is continueing today downunder.
Laume has inspired me to post pics of some of my teapots ... and jugs... and I haven't even got as far as the actual cups [ except for the ones on my teaparty quilt ]

Anonymous said...

Hello Kari, thank you soooo much for organising such a divine event, we have had such a lovely time at your tea party we are quite dizzy with delight and we have had so many wonderful visitors we have never known a day like it. It was fantastic, maybe this is what it is like to fly up in to the clouds, amazing. TTFN KN Linda and Laura Lilly Cottage.

cherry said...

Bummer I missed out on it...but oh what a lovely spread! Hi Kari...I don't believe I have ever posted here but now that I know about your blog will come back often! cherry

Boxwood Cottage said...

Wow Kari! You are a wonderful hostess!:D This was so much fun to get to know so many fab bloggers worldwide and I cordially congratulate you to this big success which is/was your spring tea party!:D Well done you! Hugs & Smooches Carol xox

Btw if you ever search a swap buddy for something you can only get in good old Germany you can count on me! Just let me know!

Anonymous said...

I'm lucky number 113! Sorry, i am fasionable late, but I am wearing my lilac wide brimmed hat and dress that I bought at Oprah's rack sale! Fantastic idea and I love the tea service!
Regina in Sweden
( 1 more week for spring!)

Tricia said...

kari, just wanted to say thank you for all the work that you put into this tea party. olivia and i enjoyed it so much. i am so glad that i was able to participate!
thank you again!

Fiona said...

What a lovely party. Met lots of nice new people with fab blogs. Thanks so much for organising this. Such fun. I even found myself looking at pretty teapots today.........

Anonymous said...

Oh my!!! What a wonderful, successful tea party you had. I may spend all day visiting all your guests.

Happy Spring!

Angel Jem said...

How wonderful! I missed your tea-party proper, with apologies, and only heard about it today via Make Mine Blissful, but it looks gorgeous! And how kind of you to link to so many other potential new blogmates! My sidebar will be longer than ever now! With best wishes for a wonderful spring,
Angel Jem from England

jillconyers said...

Kari...I know I'm late but couldn't resist checking out the tea party when I got home from work. Everything looks beautiful. As I've mentioned before my mom is a professional tea coordinator/hostess. Looking at your pics I see that you and my mom have a lot in common. Your attention to detail is wonderful. Hope you enjoyed your get together :o)

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so delightful!

Unknown said...

Sorry that I missed your Tea Party. I found a link, to your blog, at 4:53. It looks like a terrific time.

Emily aka Crazy Cakes said...

Kari, happy spring!

SO bummed i missed your tea party!!

emily aka crazycakes