Wow....I just have to say a very sincere THANK YOU to
each and every one of you for attending my spring celebration yesterday! It was a smashing success. Boy do you all know how to throw a tea party!! It was just amazing looking at all the stunning pictures and stories and tea parties on blogs all over the world. I hope you all made some new friends. I know I'll be linking to the over 75 blogs linked below that had tea parties for months to come. I was also very touched by over 100 comments left and over 1200 visitors here yesterday!
WoW!! I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to leave a comment everywhere I went, but I promise you I visited them all when I made the link from my blog. What I saw was awe inspiring spectacular. What an amazing international group of blogging artists you are...and you sure know how to make a girl feel like a million bucks!
Cyber hugs all around!!!
I can't take credit for the beautiful tablescape above. It is from one of my very favorite home decorating books,
Celebrating Home by the team at
Seasons of Cannon Falls. I adore their vintage inspired collections by some of my favorite artists like
Nicol Sayre,
Charlotte Lyons and many others.

I think today I'll kick back, put my feet up and enjoy the beautiful Spring weather we're having here in Minnesota. (
p.s. no, that's not me in the picture. hehe!)Cheers!!
I am so sorry to have missed your tea party yesterday. I found your blog through Dawn at (4:53AM). Everything here is so very lovely! and the tea party was a wonderful idea!
I'm a bit late, but inspired by you, I'm having Tea and Oranges at Teeny Tiny Cabin this afternoon.
Thank you for sharing all the loveliness and for the very sweet idea! Claudia O.
I saw this event on some blogs and so wanted to take part in it - what you joy you spread!
When I came here today and saw that first photo I thought WOW does she have an amazing dining room!lol!
I lived in Mpls for 3 yrs and my husband is from Minnesota!
Dearest Kari,
Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful tea party. Being new to blogging, I felt so welcomed by every one.
It was just the sweetest idea.
Okay, now off to DO something with my house, right now I have bunches of "antiques" all over my table.
Wish it was as easy to "transform" our home to match the picture of that gorgeous dining room as it was for me to feel loved and welcomed by all of you new blogging friends!
hugs, Lidy
Oh wow what an amazing party, such happy joyous pictures, you have a beautiful blog xx Judy xx
Thank-you for hosting such a lovely tea, found it yesterday in time to join across the pond for tea . :) And thanks for all the lovely blogs to visit for tea :)
Oh Kari! I'm so glad your tea party was a smashing success. I checked in when I could. You did such a fabulous job with it all! Love the craft, too cute!
Enjoy the time off - you desrve it. I'm off to carry on visitng more of those blogs listed. Didn't comment on nearly as many as I wished to.
Can we do it again sometime?
Thanks so much for hosting! It was such a creative and fun idea. Also, you should go to my will make you very happy! Cheers...tammy
I was fashionably late, but I would not have missed it for the world! You rock, Artsymama and the visits support it!
What a smashing idea! Wish I'd been able to participate, but we were busy lambing here. Priorities, you know. But perhaps another time. Or, like Claudia, I may just host my own a wee bit later.
Great idea, and I enjoyed the photos tremendously!
such fun ... got to visit a whole bunch of new blogs, had some lovely women come visit me for tea here in the bush in central vixtoria [ australia ]
we are SO going to have to do this again!
Just got woken up by one of my nanny goats [ very noisy when they're in season ] ... back to the real world.
Oh my dear my dear my dear! I am SO sorry I missed the party!!! I completely planned on joining in on Wednesday so didn't "blog" ahead but then Lilli and I went to the Monticello Antique Mall yesterday...yes...the very antique mall where Alicia Paulson has a space! We spent 4 1/2 hours there!!!
I'm SO glad your party was such a wild success and that you had such a marvelous turn out!!!!!
Next time! I promise!!! :-)
Hi, thank you for coming by my blog the other day.
Your tea party was a great idea, I should have taken part. I travelled to many of the tea party's - it was great - but I would have loved to taste some of those cakes - but hey cyber space can't do everything.
best wishes Ginny
Kari, what a fun tea party you hosted yesterday! And what unbelievable eye candy here and on the participant's blogs! I wanted to join in desperately, but, alas, everything that could go wrong at work did, which interfered with my blogging time. Oh well! Looks like everyone had such fun!
The tea party was great. I got your pin today! Thank you thank you thank you! Did I say thank you. It is beautiful. THere's nothing better than real mail!
Thanks again, for hosting the tea party. There were so many wonderful ones out there. I have enough new sites to visit for a long time. Love it.
What fun there was yesterday!!! Thank You ever so much!!! I madr a comment every where I went but am happy to know that I can refer back to the Tea Party post.
Thanks for sharing the diningroom pix, I have to checkout that book! Thanks again1
With Kindness,
Thankx for a great great was a huge success....well deserve the rest
Dear Kari,
Thank you for the lovely invitation to your tea party. I had so much fun! I liked all the good eats, although I didn't have a chance to do the craft. I think you brought out the best in all of our blogs--it was fun to be a "hostess."
Many Thanks,
Sarah Louise
Hi kari,
I just have to say thanks for organizing this wonderful Spring party! It was such a good idea and the best way to get to know new bloggers all over the world!
I'm amazed by all the kindness there are in the crafting world:)
Hugs, Cecilia
How I could have missed this glorious tea party of yours :/
Maybe i will just take a photos at mine tea party for a blog.
Thank you ever so much for this fabulous tea party!
One of my friends, who doesn't have a blog, has sent you an email with the picture of her favourite teapot. Can you see if you have received it? Her name is Myriam Uliana and she's from Belgium, too.
Marie with an "e" ;-)
Just had to pop in and say THANKYOU for hosting the greatest teaparty ever.I really loved this idea, and it was SO fun to be a guest at some of the participants places. :-)
So enjoy spring and have a nice day.
sorry I missed your tea party! but you inspired me to take a photo of my cup of tea, yesterday!
you can see it here:
Thank you for hosting! It really was a lot of fun...I got my most comments and traffic ever and DID make some new friends :) Yay us!
I think you've thrown the most successful cyber-tea-party I've ever witnessed! It was amazing seeing all those gorgeous tablesettings and yummy treats from all over the world!
found your link through Gypsy Purple's blog~ oh my! I can't believe I missed this wonderful tea party~ but I will be enjoying & exploring all the lovely photos this weekend~
LOVE LOVE your blog, so happy I clicked on over~
The tea party looked like so much fun! Great blog by the way!
thanx Kari, you were the hostess with the mostess.
hopefully ...same place, same time next year.
joan in italy
hi to all my new friends that I made that day
ciao ciao
crafty joan
Way to go...What a great idea and...success!
I found you through Shabby in the City and Parteaplanner! I am going to link to your blog and hopefully I can know when the next tea party happens! I am sorry i missed this one! The turn out was fabulous, eh?
I am really missing out on the tea party this time! What a elegant party you had! ...and my last address was on 'Tea Party'!Anyway, back to opening boxes!
Thank you so much Kari for the wonderful tea party!! I loved it and it was so much fun for a new blogger (thats me) to meet so many nice blogging friends!!
Thank you Thank you
Hope we can do this again!!!
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