this post from last year? I took these pictures at the Junk Bonanza in Sept. of
2006 at the warehouse of the
JunkMarket gals. I am so excited to say that this year they are expanding their Junk Bonanza to over 100 vendors and its going to be held literally just down the road from where I live. Could I get any lucker?!

Maybe.....because I'm *hoping*...yes,
really hoping to be a vendor there this year. I think I have a pretty good shot. How fun would that be to have my ArtsyMama provisions as part of the the Junk Bonanza festivities. A dream come true! It's not certain yet, but I felt like sharing this part of my journey with you. I feel that sometimes to proclaim your goal helps make it a reality. I makes it more concrete. It's a juried flea market so I sent in pictures of my wares and a letter explaining what ArtsyMama is all about. I feel like I'm giving it my best shot. Isn't it fun when you can just feel things evolve. Reaching out to that next step. It just
feels right.

This has been such an interesting journey for me starting this blog. I had no idea where it was headed back on that November day in 2005. It's been such a creative outlet for me and catalyst for my growth as an artist and entrepreneur. I have had so much fun making things for my etsy shop that this seems like a natural progression. I
know I'm up for it...ArtsyMama is ready for it... and it would be a fabulous experience. Mind blowing! But it also scares me like the dikens. My censor comes out and wants to chase all my dreams away and tell me I'm not good enough. I feel that proclaiming my intentions and aspirations I'm giving the censor a good smack in the behind and sending it packin'. It doesn't belong here. So that's my pep talk for tonight.
Wish me luck!
You go for it Kari! It will be a great experience and I'm sure you will be very successful. I participated in my first event as a vendor this year and it was great, a ton of fun and when it was all said and done I did a great job! You will be so glad that you did it! xo, suzy
Bravo sweet Kari! Proclaim what you want, and go for it with all you've got. No one can stop you, but yourself! Sending all good thoughts and well wishes your way.
You go girl!!!!
I hope all the best for you...you are gifted in your own right, no matter the outcome. You have been a great source of inspiration for me. Keep going!
It's your life and you are meant to do what feels right for you. Success in whatever field, belongs to those that DO it, those who are passionate, those who persist. If you WANT to do it, you will :)
Good luck, Kari! I'm SURE that you will get in because your stuff is amazing!!! smiles...
This is fantastic...you will be a perfect vendor for this event... I (hopefulyl) will be there to cheer you on !!! ¥
You, my dear, have the sweetest design style and the most loving spirit . . . . combined with your determination and creative muse, how can you go wrong??? We're all here cheering you on! Hugs and blessings, Nina
Yeah! how cool!!!! when is it??? let me know.
jessi nagy
I was sent a application for junk market...I would of loved to send it in, butI am taking a year off from the antique world and I sold out all of my stock...I have a few friends that are doing the show, they are mostly from the Buffalo Nickel shop...I will keep my fingers crossed for you, it would be a great experience! I hear it is crazy busy and very profitable( so stock up now! you will need lots of back up)...good luck!
Good luck! I don't think you have anything to worry about - you are more then good enough.
Kari....I could have written that exact post.
There is no stopping you now! Combine your talent with your determination add in your willingness to share and it adds up to nothing but success for you.....
Thank you for being such a great inspiration!
Yeah for you. You are certainly gifted in art. You will do a wonderful job there. When, where is it. I want to come by.
I too feel the same way about my blog it has led me in the artistic direction I have always wanted to go.
Sounds like a fab idea - can really see you making a fabby success of such a venture. A perfect match!
How could they not take you? You and your stuff are awesome!
I wish you the best!!! It's going to be awesome, you will see!!!
We're all rootin' for ya, Kari! And if your gorgeous work and blog is any indication, ArtsyMama is up to the challenge! :-)
Enjoy the journey!
I say, Go for it!
have you read the book the secret? it's about the karma behind success and how thinking something and believing it leads to the very thing you want. all your things are so beautiful and unique. i know you'll do great!
good for you!!! love the junkmarket gals and their book. fingers are crossed for you!!!
good luck girl !!! they would be crazy not to have you there ! i wish i lived near you because i would be there too - love the junk market gals - anyways wishing you all the best !!
i just read your interview on cac...and decided to come on over as i really relate to you..i'm a sahm of 2 (ages 4 &2) also, not to mention i have been a year on my journey of being a "mom-treneur."
anyway, i am so happy to have came hear and discovered your blog...
i wish you all the success in the world with the flea market, from what i've seen you have beautiful things. Kudos for taking the steps forward, sometimes thats the hardest part. i have that inner censor too, i call it my critic...but i find she only comes out when i'm on the verge of my best...that's when i get scared and wonder if i'm ready.
good luck...and i'm off to reading your archives!
dropping in for my "artsymamma" fix....i always find such amazing inspiration here....always go away feeling fresh and happy!!
I really feel like the time is right for you Kari. You've done a fabulous job molding and making yourself and helping so many others along the way. I'm glad you spoke up to help fight those feelings of inadequacy. I know how that feels. It's a constant struggle for me. You go girl....just go! They're gonna want you I can feel it in my bones!
good luck, Kari! just shush that inner editor...
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