Happy St. Patrick's Day!
As you can see from my inspiration book pages, I have been feeling like I need a dose of green. The pages reflect my yearning for plants and growth. They are also a bit earthy and gritty. Just how I've been feeling.

After going to a local nursery, Chloe and I decided to get our hands dirty and plant a window herb garden in the kitchen in some of my tea cups. Love how they smell!

Also got these adorable little pink carnations and put them in one of my favorite mugs for the kitchen table.

hi kari!
happy st. paddy's day to you too!!!
CONGRATULATIONS on your book!!!! wow, how AWESOME...i am so happy for you!!!!! will have to grab a copy soon! :0)
your mini indoor garden is too cute! i am itching for spring! thanks for sharing some of your sweet springy-ness!
xo mary ann
happy green day to ya, and yours!
have a great week
Happy St. Patty's Day! I love herb gardens too. I just planted one from seeds and I hope they can get a start in my window since it is still way too cold for them here. Have a great week,
Love all the green! Happy St.Patti's Day!
I love the idea with the tea cups,i can't wait to make some for my window ledge. We still have 4 feet of snow and i just cant wait for spring.
Oh how gorgeous your herbs look in the tea cups
Have a great week
Happy St. Paddys day beautiful!
Mmmmmm. I can smell the fragrant herbs through the computer! What a great idea. Very "Springy"! I might have to do that with Julian.
Love the little herbs planted in the tea cups...cute idea.
I love what you and Chloe did to do your bit at going green! I went outside to this afternoon and found a happy accident, in last years tabletop herb garden bloomed a bunch of fresh chives!
It's a bit late but Happy St. Paddy's Day! I hadn't really thought about an indoor herb garden but it's a great idea. My garden outside is always being nibbled on by little critters. Enjoy!
Love the little plants in the teacups. You have a beautiful blog I had a great visit. Hope you can stop by soon!! Connie
I am so happy for you with publishing the book. You just showed that anyone can do it if they set their mind to it.
What a great idea! My daughter would love to plant herbs/plants in our tea cups!
Love the books!! Would like to get one for myself & a couple for my shop! Do I need to get w/ you to do this! Let me know! Thanks for sharing spring!
Quite worthwhile material, thanks for your post.
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