Friday, September 19, 2008

33 things to do before I turn 34

I turn 33 years old tomorrow.

This year I want to...

1. make a collage a week

2. keep a kids journal

4. attend ArtNest

5. visit Laura in California

6. go to NYC for our 10 year anniversary

7. write the book that's in my head

8. write a business plan

9. try a new recipe each month

10. survive winter without gaining 10 lbs.

11. have my photographs made into postcards

12. take a community education class

13. have Chloe take a dance class

14. plant a tree in our yard

15. have a children's garden...bigger than this year's

16. go to Chicago...visit Cheryl

17. make handmade Christmas gifts

18. learn manual mode on my camera

19. create a nature journal (with the kids)

20. drink more tea

21. become an explorer of my world

22. weed and donate books to the library

23. make something with my sewing machine

24. buy an old typewriter

25. have a vendors table in a local show

26. make a scarecrow

27. find a photobooth and have my photo taken in it

28. start clipping coupons..and use them

29. go snowshoeing

30. look at the stars more

31. buy less, make more

32. read a book a month

33. take a self portrait


Recycled Rita said...

Happy birthday cute Kari!
You deserve to have a really special one! karen...

Anonymous said...

Kari, I hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow on our shared day! It should be beautiful for your autism walk. I'll be thinking of you!


Anonymous said...

I like number 4! As usual I am way behind doing all the things that need to be done, like sending you a BDay gift. Look for one in the mail, long about December possibly but it will come! Have a fantastic day tomorrow!

Funky Finds said...

I hope you have a fabulous birthday & a terrific year! Jessica

Heidi said...

I love this post! What a lovely way to start the next year of your life!!....Happy Birthday!...heidi Xo

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Happy birthday

Victoria x

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you! Looks like some great goals there.

Super Fun Mama said...

Have a wonderful birthday!

Cheryl said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. My birthday is on Sunday. Enjoy your weekend!

Shopgirl said...

Happy Birthday to you!
Have a wonderful year, I hope you reach all your goals....
Hugs, Mary

Fiona said...

Happy birthday for tomorrow!!!

What an interesting list. Best wishes for achieving them all.

LiLi M. said...

Happy Birthday to you tomorrow! I hope that you will have a wonderful day with you loved ones. Enjoy! And a wonderful year too. You have made quite an interesting set of goals! I'm looking forward to see you achieving a lot if not all of them and write about them in this fabulous blog!! Have a great weekend!

Dorthe said...

Happy birthday, and wishing you a wonderfull day.
Hi Dorthe

Sandy said...

Happy Birthday Kari!
Blessings on achieving your goals in the coming year!

roc said...

well happy birthday to you. your list sounds totally doable! good luck.

Michaele Sommerville said...

That's a terrific list- many thanks for the book suggestion- I'm off to Amazon to pick up a copy.

Happy Birthday! You've inspired me to make my own list in December: I'll be 39, a perfect time for reflection and planning my next adventures!

Annie Scarlett said...

Happy Birthday! What a great list.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Kari! Love your blog and love your goals for the year ahead! You've accomplished soooo much already for someone so young. Will be fun to watch you continue! Really enjoying the Halloween (III) blog!
Jane - Jacksonville

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Best wishes for a fabulous year.

Jenn said...

Happiest of Birthdays to you Kari. I love your idea of setting goals to achieve - especially when they are in writing. Very inspiring. I know you can do it all and more.

AwtemNymf said...

Happy Birthday Kari!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Have a fab weekend! :O)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. I love that you make of list of goals for the year on your birthday. As someone who loves to write lists and have goals, I've never thought of this. I'm definitely going to do this next April.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday and after reading the list, happy new year with lots of fun things to do!!! :-)

Laume said...

You turn 33 tomorrow. Sigh. I suddenly feel a lot older than I did just a few minutes ago, before I read that. You could, sigh, be my daughter.
I like a lot of your goals. Many of them, or variations on them, are goals I have too. I got a chuckle out of "find a photobooth" - have you seen the movie Amelie? (and if not, then you MUST) Both hubby and I had to have our photo taken in a Paris photobooth for our metro cards. "get photo taken in Paris photobooth" was actually on my hubby's trip list.

Linda Jo said...

Happy Birthday, Kari! I hope it was a very good one!

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

Good luck with your list. I will look forward to learning how you fared next year at this time. Happy Birthday!

Kara Ward said...

I wish I was in my thirties...enjoy it and it looks like you are embracing it too! Toot toot! Have a special day. Kara

/// said...


Bonita Rose said...

such a great list, we share alot of the same things! good luck in all your dreams and wishes Kari... and I'll be sure to let you know when my book is a reality and getting published.. my manuscript is well on its way! so exciting! big hugs.. JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW I so value your love and genuine support...
us women can accomplish amazing things!

Our Hands For Hope said...

I love this idea...but I'm going to be 49...that's a LONG list! I better start thinking about it today!

Ulla said...

What a great idea! Best of luck and many many blessings!