Dear Lowell and Chloe,
Today is historic, November 4th, 2008. You are 3 and 5 years old and it is a historic day any way you look at it. Either Barack Obama will become the nations first African-American president, or John McCain will become the oldest president elected to a first term and his running mate, Sarah Palin, will become the first woman elected vice-president. People are coming out in record numbers to vote, to voice their opinion on something that is really, really important. I’m already teary with emotion and it’s only 6 am. I am writing this before dawn as information already floods in about how long the polling lines are.
The 2008 race for the White House has been going on for 21 months and people are engaged. It has rewritten the rules on how to reach voters, raise money, organize supporters, manage the news media, track and mold public opinion, and wage -- and withstand -- political attacks. What it has given people, is a sense of hope. It has also brought to the surface a lot of emotion and some outrage. People are ready for change.
When you are older and reading this letter, you will know what the outcome of this election meant for our country. What progress was made. You will know how the war ended with Iraq, and how our nation got out of this terrible economic condition that we are in. What I hope that you will see is how people listened to their hearts, got involved and made a difference. What a changed world that can make.
I Love You,
Your mommy
Edit at 10 pm: What a moment. What a country we live in!

Kari what a wonderful write a letter to your children.. and of course, it is indeed a historic thing... how great of you to do that... it will be interesting for you to share that with them in the future! I do indeed hope that the outcome will be a good one...
Kari- Your letter literally brought tears to me eyes. It was a beautiful idea. Thank you for sharing it with us. My little Emma is so excited today, so full of hope. As am I. She wants to stay up tonight to see who won the election. I'm amazed that such a little girl can care so much about our world. Jen
truly a wonderful letter Kari... what a great idea!
It's so hard to type on the keyboard with all of my fingers crossed. He's the obvious choice for your children and mine!
Thank you for your lovely post.
Well said, Kari! I'm so excited today I can barely stand it. What an important day in history today will turn out to be.
Beautifully said :)
gulp, snif. I am so excited about today, the kids 8 & 11 have been involved in many discussions about the election and suggested we make special snacks for the
reports this evening. How fun is that? I love the idea of writing letters on such important days as this. Thanks for the tip. wink
Have a wonderful day,
Oh Kari! I love this!! I just posted similar sentiments on my blog & I'm trying to scrapbook today's events for my daughter. I never thought about writing it out in a letter.
Thank you for this!
hi kari ~
what a lovely idea! such an exciting day for sure, very emotional for so many, but filled with so much hope for the future! Hubby and I will be going soon to vote with both our girls, our oldest first time!
lucky you to be going to nyc. definitely visit central park, hire a biker to tour you through.
wishing you were going to be at SB, you will be missed!
take care obamamama!
xo heidi
A wonderful letter for a historic day. I'm so excited and can't wait to see what comes.
Excellent! I'm pleased to say my 22 yr old son got to vote in this election. My only sadness comes from my husband and I never seeing eye to eye on politics 'sorta' like Jim Carville and Mary Matalin. We've had this issue for almost 25 yrs, but still it gets so frustrating.
Anyway...that was an awesome idea on your part.
First of all I want to start off by saying that I stand behind our first amendment right to free speech, however I was very disappointed in your blog post today. I understand your need to inform your children of what was happening in the world when they were young, but what I don't understand is your need to post and "voice" your own personal opinion. True-it is your blog, but there are many other blog authors who had a post today pertaining to the election who were coy enough to leave their opinion out of the matter.
What a great idea to write a letter to your kids!
What a sweet letter, Anna. I wish I had your hope. I pray for our new president. Well, we lived through Jimmy Carter.... God help us, I know He has a plan.
Ohhh....I thought I was on Anna's blog...well..okay...same sentiment....but I should say Kari...not Anna. Sorry. Guess I'm more upset than I thought. ha See ya in Omaha!
I love that your wrote the letter to your children. It inspires me to do the same.
This is a wonderful letter. I have been working on an election day journal page along the same lines. I feel so relieved. I feel HOPE!
What a great country! I love the idea of a letter to your children!
Writing a letter to your children was a nice idea. However, down here in Texas, we don't share the same enthusiasm for Obama as you do. God help us all.
Hi Kari,
I do think that was a great idea, seems my journaling yesterday all went to God. I filled my journal with prayers for all of us, Obama included. I did read a book by Max Lucado that states, No one comes into power without GOD allowing it, not Obama, Bush, Hitler, Saddam, JFK, none of them; they are all a part of God's plan for the world. Being a Christian, the Bible demands that I vote biblically-based on moral principles-, I do feel that this country turned it's back on God a long, long time ago and we may just be getting what we deserve. Ok, enough of that...have a wonderful and safe time on your anniversary trip and I can't wait to see pics of NY!!!!
My children are older but the emotion is the same. This election for me has been more about the future for our children and it is the main reason I am so proud to have voted for Barack Obama!
Yikes! I am looking out the window and seeing rain and the stock market continue to decline! Where is all the sunshine and rainbows and unicorns we have been promised with all of this change!?!
Tears of Joy here in New Jersey.
What an awesome post Kari!!!!
I read your post first thing on Tuesday and it was a start to one of the most hopeful and spiritually amazing days of my life.
Your blog has always been about how you express yourself. I would encourage everyone else to do the same from their blogs whenever they choose. You are ever respectful, ever kind, and ever hopeful. Your Tuesday post was entirely in character and not in any way derogatory towards people with feelings different than yours.
And from what I can gather about you, your hope is to comfort those who may feel unhappy right now, but to go forward hand in hand with them into our very new world.
You are always an inspiration to me. Thank you.
You've made me cry.
I thought I was done with the happy tears three days ago, but here they are.
Thank you!
How lucky your babies are!
Down here in Texas there are many of us that are breathing a sigh of relief that Hope is truly something to believe in and that Change is a good (and welcome and needed) thing.
What a wonderful idea to write a letter to your babies. I know they will cherish it, along with all of the other wondrous things you will do for them as they grow.
You are such a good Mama!!!
Kari: you are one of the kindest people in the blogisphere and I support your endeavors to spread crafty love and joy in this sometimes dismal place. I love that you blog for your children and yourself and want to continue to support you in exercise of that freedom.
Barack Obama is a smart and respectful man. He will do us all proud as an American, a father and as a husband in addition as Comander in Chief. Hugs, Gina
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