I sent out my "All that I Love" swap packets today to my two partners. The swap is on my A Year of Color blog. We're finishing up the blue and white theme for January with a guest post from Julie Collings. Then we move to pink, pink and more pink in February with guest designer Melissa McCobb Hubbell. You can join the blog any time throughout the year and all posts will be available all year long. My partners for the swap are Kathy (Red Thread Art) in Belgium and Linda Crispell is my estate sale soul mate from afar. I've never met her in person, just admired all her goodies featured in Home Companion last year. I know we are two peas in a pod. I just love sending out boxes packed to the gills with treasures that I hope they will love! I was also excited to get a pretty little package in the mail myself yesterday. It was my welcome packet for ArtNest coming up at the end of February.
Look at this amazing stitched envelope. It's filled with class info, schedule of events and info on what to bring. There's going to be an artists sale night, where we can all bring art work if we would like. I better get crackin'. I am so excited!! Julie and Candice already have gone above and beyond. I cannot wait to see what's in store!
Pretty stuff.
Here are a few more pages of my daily journal. 

Happy Hump Day!
Happy Hump Day!
P.S. Just heard that Domino magazine has folded. That makes ME Home Companion, Country Home and Domino. Yikes! I know we are all magazine fanatics. Are you still buying as many magazines as you used to before the economy turned bad?
Hi! I live between Dallas and Houston and sitting at the computer because it is COLD outside and I find it hard to do anything in cold weather except bundle up with my laptop! But I had to go to the grocery store for last minute things and then mop and vacuum the house because company is coming tomorrow. I just stumbled upon your blog showing the stuff from your house sale you went to a few days ago. Boy did those bundles of chenille bring back memories. About 40 years ago I made dozens and dozens of beautiful chenille covered coat hangers with tiny velvet and silk flowers and ribbon tied at the top under the hook part. They are perfect given in sets for gifts. So simple to do. Hard to remember how much each hanger needed but if you try it you just need to guess and cut it (I know-hard to think about cutting it!) and coil it up so you can keep going around the wire hanger. I looked for years for big amounts of chenille but never did find any. Have had my computer for a couple of years now and maybe I will check that out. I still have after 40 years one powder blue lonely hanger that I put my husbands ties on. Have fun! Sharon from Buffalo
lovely photos! so excited to have you join us at the art nest....
i am getting so excited for february and pink shadows, can't wait.
happy wednesday, julie
Magazine junkie here and haven't cut down on my magazine purchases -they are my one indulgence. Cottage Living and Oprah's O at Home Magazine got axed too! Hadn't heard about Domino tho - my mailbox is going to be mighty sad!
I have cut back some on my magazine buying this winter, but only because it is hard to drive to Barns and Noble on the ice and snow. It is about 20 miles from me. I had now idea about some of these publications were gone...yikes! Soon we will have no stores! Love your blog, Hugs, Mary
Dear Kari,
It's like Christmas all over again!
I think you have better estate sales up north from the looks of some of your previous finds!
The ArtNest event looks so wonderful. The envelope alone makes me want to attend.
Your Pal,
P.S. So sad about all of the magazines folding. I certainly have been doing my part to keep them in business.
Visiting your blog is like reading an excellent magazine!
I've been trying to keep those magazines in print to the best of my ability. I'm now hooked on all of those Stampington/Somerset publications. They are pricey, though. Oh my!
Hi there,
I just joined, but am not sure where to go nor what to do now. Do you send out instructions?
I am! I would rather walk to work than do without my magazines!!! (not really, I am about 7 miles from work, but you get the idea!)
I loved Mary E!!! Now country home and domino! What is the world coming to??? karen...
everything looks wonderful as usual!!
I am a magazine addict as well... and honestly, I have scaled back since things became a little uneasy. I will really miss ME and Country Home.... :(
I will sell my clothes to keep buying magazines... how sad that Country Home has folded! Country Living continues to be my favorite, though you'd think I'd pay $12 for a yearly subscription instead of $4 on the newstand.
It's so sad - so many excellent publications disappearing. But I cut back last year on buying the ones that had too many uninspiring advertisements and too little content.
I'm loyal to Somerset and Stampington in spite of the price. They're keepers. They're more like actual books and less like a magazine. I cut up other magazines and paste the pictures that inspire me in my scrapbooks and then send the magazine to the recycling center. But I NEVER cut up a Somerset or Stampington! They're timeless!
I agree wit Diane,those stampington magazines are just like books...if those ever go away boy will I cry & send a complaint letter begging for them to come back.They are pricey but I use the 40% off coupons at Joann's to take the price down.Since Artful Blogging came out,I have become more addicted to magazines. :) Who could get tired of looking at pretty pictures?
Hi Kari and all,
I have worked in the magazine industry for ten years and let me tell you something—readers are just a small part of the equation. The problem is advertising money. Companies are spending a lot less for media space in these difficult times, and this has a huge impact on the bottom line—hence the folding. It is pretty depressing, especially for someone in my line of business. Indeed, the bad economy one of the reasons I like to visit Artsymama—it feels like one happy island in a valley of tears!
Hi Kari,
I love magazines, it's so sad - domino was a cool one too!
Ironically, I had cancelled a couple of subscriptions in part to keep getting the ME Home Companion, because it was such a wonderfully creative and inspiring maazine, showcasing many artists - so sad. I don't know what I'll do without that one, it'll be greatly missed.
We're lucky to have inspiring blogs like yours, so we can still get our eye candy! Thank you! :D
I have been faithfully reading this blog since the day I found it.
I even signed up for A Year of Color and I am loving it!
Actually, I really did not understand what a blog was until I saw a copy of Artful Blogging magazine at Border's and searched all the beutiful blogs they featured.
Since I am also a contributing writer at suite 101 I decided to write an article about artful blogs-You can see it at http://mixedmediaarts.suite101.com/article.cfm/artful_blogs
I am not able to write in first person for suite 101-excuse me if I seem a little detached and they only allow me to post two links so I just picked the first two blogs I found and liked-but I know there are many more great examples of other artful blogs out there! Hope you like the article- it is my thank-you note to all of you artful bloggers out there.
I too am a magazine junkie.. but the economy is catching up with us and i have had to cut back. Can you say withdrawal? I still look however.. I get my stack of 10 or 12 magazines and find a comfy spot at Barnes and Noble to whittle my pile down to one or two.
Your journal is filling up and coming along! The only thing better than the journaling itself is getting to back back through the tons of pages!
And oh. my. goodness. those stitched packets are AMAZING!
Oh do I love my magazines and a good soak in the tub.. it's getting harder and harder to find one's these days. My local Michael's has mags but they do not let you use the coupon for them..booohooooo
Hi Kari ~ I sent out my package to my swap partner today also.... It was so much fun finding special things for her and packaging them so that each item was an event to unwrap. I am so, so glad that I joined YOC blog.
Blessings ~ Eileen
PS ~ Yes, magazine junkie too, and bummed that several favorites are going, going, gone...
What? Another magazine gone?
ME Home
Country Home
Oprah Home
What did I miss?
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