Went to a few estate sales this weekend that I would consider old school. Lots of really old stuff, accumulated over decades, not really all that sorted through. That's where I always find the treasures. Like these bright and cheery big old birthday candles. Chloe said she wants them on her cake every year until she turns ten!
Here was the attic floor. Loved it!!
Great colors and images on these old blocks!

Hope you're having a great weekend!
I think you are in the mood for spring to arrive! Everything you bought is so colorful. I love finding sales like that. Actually, I should have a sale like that!
Hey is that a Rainbow Brite doll?!! I think I had one of those!
My favorite estate sales have always been the ones that, when they are advertised in the paper, include phrases like "house is full" and "40 years of accumulation." I am a teacher and reading this post made me anxious for summer vacation so I can hit the local sales again.
I WANT those candles! Or at least permission to use the photo on my birthday post!
:-) I had the "I Am a Bunny" Book!
ooooo pretty pictures! What fun! xoxo
What great stuff! I am always amazed at what folks in blogland find at estate sales. LOVE the blocks and my daughter memorized that book when she was 2. For anyone who would like candles like that - those look an awful lot like Chanukah candles :-) Just wait until December and you should be able to buy a good-sized box.
I love the blocks... i remember those from when i was a child... so sad all of that stuff is gone.. but i do still have my Cola dispenser.. you insert a bottle of Coke, pepsi etc.. and it came with tiny little coke glasses .. you just dispensed it out by pulling the lever.. oh, and how about the thing maker and fun flowers... I have the fun flowers.. the "goo" had a distinctive smell...
i love the candles but I love vintage blocks- I miss having little ones :)
Wow, what awesome finds! I love that sewing book, the illustration on the front is so funky.
What fun finds
aww, "flower" was my favorite character... floooowwweeerrrrr. :)
those big birthday candles are amazing. how fun!
Those candles are gorgeous. Love them.
WOW that is a Sweet Stash you scored! WOO WHOO!!!
HOw fun. Where do you keep all of these finds and art you have. I know you decorate seasonally but you have got a small Art exhibit with the seasons! I adore you blocks!
What a score..don't you just love when you find great stuff? Thanks for sharing...cute blog!
Wow, what a great collection of finds! The blocks are wonderful and I love the sewing machine bookcover--so fun!
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