I love visiting nurseries this time of year. All that lush green foliage with gorgeous blossoms. Such an inspiring and creative place. I love to see what colors they put together and what combinations they put into their baskets and displays. Nature's Harvest is one of my go-to spots for inspiration and a quick stop before a breakfast date this morning certainly didn't disappoint.
It's beautiful Kari.... sure puts you into the summer mood.... I"m dreaming about the day my plants will look that lovely... they haven't been in the ground very long.. i have a bit of a wait!
It's beautiful Kari.... sure puts you into the summer mood.... I"m dreaming about the day my plants will look that lovely... they haven't been in the ground very long.. i have a bit of a wait!
Gorgeous! I want to don a big floppy hat, brew a pot of tea and lay a lovely old quilt under a tree there to relax all afternoon...
Gorgeous photos! Very inspirational!!!
What beautiful images! I can understand your desire to visit such an enchanting place....it definitely does inspire.
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