Happy Birthday ArtsyMama Blog!!!

Over the last year I have posted 254 times and have had over 44,000 people visit. It has been so much fun to have a place to throw the bits and pieces of my life out there. It’s hard to know who’s really “out there” reading it. I only know some from my comments. I hope you’ve enjoyed my blog however long you’ve been reading it and will come visit again.
ArtsyMama first year highlights:
My first Self Portrait Tuesday contribution- I only did Self Portrait Tuesday for a few months. It was really fun to play around with different themes and really outside my comfort zone to take pictures of myself. 

I had a fun idea to take my camera around with me and the kids one day and took pictures of our everyday life, an ordinary day in January. I took a bunch of these pictures and made a “Just one day” album. 

I did a several of what I called Art and Blogging interviews with artists that had blogs. It was fun to pick their brain a bit and talk to them about the intersection of the two their art and their blog and the influences they had on one another.
*Swirly Girl
*Lesley Riley
*Swirly Girl
*Lesley Riley
ABC’s of life- This was just for fun. I was so touched when my sister told me she printed this out and has it in her home office. I still live by these words each day:)
Started my first (of several) 21 Days challenge with Rhonna Farrer. Her challenges really helped my art evolve and made me think outside the box. I *loved* them! 

Book of Dreams- I posted an altered book technique each week for 8 weeks. There were participants all over the world, each making their own altered book. Great fun! The first post of this project, my "invitation" to join was my post with the most comments to date. 

Book of Dreams
week 1
week 1
Inspiration book- This was fun to take a look at the different color palettes that inspire me and something that I hope to continue to add to. 

This I Believe book- Made this book after hearing an excerpt on public radio. This was a thought-provoking project to reflect on my beliefs.
JunkMarket- Oh what fun!!! Just love these pictures:)

Birthday post- A nice reflection of where I’m at going into my 31st year.
Fall Favorites book- I just love fall and love how this book turned out. I look through it over and over again!
Last but not least, my beloved scrapbook of my Silver Bella experience. A weekend not to be forgotten!!
Wewh, well if you made it through that whole post and feel like leaving a comment. I will be drawing one name from the comments posts to receive a one-of-a-kind ArtsyMama original…this “beautiful” giant bottle cap collage:)
Here's to another year of blogging!!!!

i have truly enjoyed getting to know you through your blog. i love all the pictures, crafts & ideas, and all the fun links you always include. thanks for sharing your creativity & your heart.
keep it up!
I remember one of your entries -"Where do you get your inspiration" I have to tell you that I love to come to your blog for inspiration!
i have been reading your blog for a while now. i never did get the chance to thank you for the delish pumpkin cheesecake squares. they were a hit with my classmates at my photoshop class. everyone raved about them and i had to pass the recipe along. i would love to win the bottlecap christmas tree. i have been looking locally for the bottlecaps but have not been successful yet. beautiful artwork.
how could I not make it though that post...so much AWESOME stuff....and all in a year...you are truly inspiring!!!
Kari, I can't believe that you have only been blogging for a year. Yours is easily one of my favorite blogs. It is filled with inspiration and wonderful thoughts and I want to Thank You for sharing it all with us. smiles...
Congrats Kari! Wow a year! You have my thanks and deep appreciation for doing your blog. You are such an inspiration, not only in your creativity, but in the fact you are a mom of two little kiddos, work and still manage to keep the rest of us motivated in our art! Your site is one of my favorite places to go, and I am so happy to have made such a great friend! Keep up the great work!
Hi Kari~
I am a newbie blogger and found your blog from another blog that I looked at. I've looked at other's blogs that I found on your blog....This is AMAZING!!! I am having so much FUN!!
So far, your blog is one of my very favorites! You are my inspiration!
Happy Blog Birthday!!
I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your special gift of creativity.
With much appreciation and admiration,
Happy Birthday!! YAY!!
I am just beyond happy to have found your blog!! Such a lovely place to visit daily!!
Your style, and excitement are just so inspiring!! Thank you so very much for being you! So generous, kind, sweet, and full of life!
Thanks so much!!
Best Wishes!! Happy Creating! Happy Blogging!
xoxo Jenny
Happy blog - birthday! And may there be many more. I've enjoyed your blog tremendously and its inspiration since discovering it through the fab 21 challenges. Thanks for sharing!
Congrats on your anniv Kari.. pick pick me.. I love your bottlecap collage.. wow... just love it.. u are one talented mama! Can't wait to meet you for real on the 12th! if not sooner at AT! I'll be crossing my fingers you pick me!
again, congrats Kari! what a great year!
Congrats on blogging a whole year, Kari. As always, you're so very inspirational and I love visiting your site -- it always makes me smile. Hope to see you again soon!!! -Ginger
You really send so much kindness, thoughtfulness and inspiration through the cyberworld - it makes it all the way through to hearts in the other end of the world - I do enjoy your blogs and find not only artsy inspiration but also spiritual and wisdom, of all kinds! Thanks for sharing and all the best in the years to come,
love Mari
CONGRATULATIONS on your blog anniversary!!!
Happy Blogday, Kari,
Your blog is a happy place to visit. Such inspiration, pretty things, and fun links have been another plus to the Silver Bella experience. Many good wishes for another year of the artsymama blogspot. Carol
Wow, one year! You and I started our blogs almost at the same time...I think my anniversary is coming in a week or so (ought to check that). I have really loved finding your blog...it is a daily must read and I love to see the evolution of your art. You have had some great mini book ideas and are always inspirational. Here's to another great year!
I have recently discovered your blog and have really enjoyed reading it. Your art and cretivity is so inspiring and I look forward to coming back to see what new things you have done and have to say. Thanks for the creative inspiration! And Happy Blog Anniversary!!! :-)
hi kari...not sure if you got my email? you had wanted to play in my winter wishes swap but i never heard back from you. please email me to let me know...thanks so much!
Kari- I was just popping in to ask you a question & was so happy to see this post. Congratulations to you girly! And now I realize I have never dug into your archives so I will have to do that when I have a little free time (read: after the holidays;). I'm so glad you found your way to blogging as yours is one of my favorites. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I am lucky enough to win a Kari original!
And now to my question. I'm getting ready to do my first twinkle letter project and I'm wondering what you found to be the best adhesive to use with them. Thanks in advance!
Oh someone is going to be so happy to receive your bottlecap tree. I was going to do the same thing with my tree but my daughter made claims to it. Looking forward to seeing who the lucky winner is.
I have been reading your blog regularily since sometime during the fall. I don't often comment on blogger blogs because for some reason doing so usually crashes my browser. I did want to congratulate you on one year of blogging and let you know that I enjoy all the pictures and udeas you include on your blog. I have another one of your recent entries that I plan to comment on as long as my browser doesn't crash.
Happy blogiversary Artsymama! I didn't know that you are around for so long and I have just recently discovered you!
Chiming in to say that I love your blog and visit everyday!!! I love your art and pictures! Thanks for sharing your wonderful self with us!!!
What a wonderful retrospective Kari! Great job linking everything back to the post!
I have one other wonderful thing you and your blog did, and that was that you hosted an ephemera swap! I LOVED being a part of that! Thanks again!!!
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